CH17 Flashcards
- Why were only a few Americans willing to push beyond the Mississippi and settle out west before the middle of the 19th century?
Most Americans viewed this land as an arid wasteland suitable only for settlement by Native Americans
- What was the original purpose behind John O’Sullivan’s article on
Manifest Destiny in the United States Magazine and Democratic Review
which was written in 1845?
To encourage expansion into the newly acquired Texas territory
- Why did African Americans move west for the most part?
Many of these African American peoples were looking for better economic opportunities and to avoid racism associated with the South
- What problem facing western settlers did the Newlands Reclamation Act seek to address?
Water resources
- What did the textbook have to say about women in the West? How did the lives of these women compare to women in the East? What rights, if any, did women in the West have?
The first states to grant women’s were those in the Pacific Northwest and Upper Midwest rights
- What impact did the early mining days have on the future of the West and the United States?
The early attention paid to mining focused on gold and silver discoveries. However, later, discoveries of industrial minerals like coal, copper, iron, oil, and gas, stimulated new and continued growth of settlements in the west.
- Why did Texas frontiersmen fail to capitalize on the five million head of cattle roaming the state before the Civil War?
Because of the difficulty of transporting them to eastern markets.
- In what state did the famous “lynching bee” occur?
- The Comstock Law of 1873 and the Page Act of 1875 were aimed at
stopping what?
- What is perhaps the most famous battle of the West?
The Battle of Little Bighorn
- What was the “final episode” in the American Indian War?
The Battle of Wounded Knee
- What law permitted the federal government to divide the lands of any tribe and grant 160 acres of farmland or 320 acres of grazing land to each head of family, with lesser amounts to single persons and others?
The Dawes Severalty Act of 1887
- What was primarily was responsible for the mass immigration of
Chinese peoples to the United States?
The Gold Rush
- What was the leading employer of Chinese peoples?
Building the first transcontinental railroad
- What were the terms of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882? How was the law modified?
Chinese people were ban from entering the U.S for 10 years. The ban was later extended on multiple occasions until its repeal in 1943.
16.How did the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo impact Hispanic citizens of the United States? What war was ended by the treaty?
It promised U.S. citizenship to the nearly seventy-five thousand Hispanics who were living in the American Southwest after the Mexican War.