Ch14 Flashcards
Bronze serpent
An object that god had Moses make and raise up on a pole in order to heal people who had been bitten by a snake
The gift of god given to us without our meriting it
Mortal sin
A serious decision to turn away from God by doing something that we know is wrong
Venial sin
A choice we make that weakens our relationship with God or with other people
An attitude or way of acting that helps us do good
Perfect contrition
Being truly sorry for sin because God is all good and worthy of all my love
We have committed a mortal sin if:
a. We have done something that is blank wrong
b. we blank it was seriously blank and
c. we blank and blank chose to do it.
A seriously
B knew wrong
C freely willingly
Jesus gives himself to us – his Body and his Blood- in this sacrament
The gift of God, given to us without our merging it
Being truly sorry for sin because God is all good and worthy of all my love
We can be reconciled with God by celebrating the
God wants to give us
His forgiveness
If something we do is seriously wrong but we don’t know it, it is not a
Mortal sin
We show faith in Jesus’ sacrifice by trying to live his law of
The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation can help us overcome our blank sins