Auto insurance provided by (diff in each province):
- Private insurers (inl facility associations)
- Compulsory gov insurance plans
- No fault ins plans
Private Insurers
- AB,ON,Atl prov.
- Standard endorsement forms available to modify coverages
Facility associations: for ppl unable to qualify for coverage in regular market place
- established in each prov
Compulsory government Insuracne plans
- BC, SK, MB
- coveage diff in each prov.
- drivers ENTITLED to purchase min. limits so NO FACILITY ASSOCATIONS
- compete w/ gov. ins plans for excess coverages
No fault ins plans
- plans are differen but purpose is the same- benefits for ppl injured in car accidents no matter who is at fault
- pure no fault: no legal action against drivers
- threshold no fault: in ON, must meet monetary threshold to take legal action against responsible person
Modified no fault: In SK, claimants can claim compesation for inury/death from OWN insurer
- if amts not enough, can take action against responsible person
Application form (12)
- Applicant full name + address
- policy period (starts at time of app, ends 12:01am std time at insured addr)
- Particulars of described auto
- Driver info
- previous accidents
- History of convictions
- Rating Info
- Insurance Coverages applied for
- Remarks
- Method pmt
- Declaration of applicant
- report of broker/agent
Application form: Info req
- need Owners form OAF 1 filled out fully
- insures private pasenger + commercial vehicles
- can insure more then 1 auto
Application Form: 1. Applicants full name and Addres
- Insurer req driver history from prov licencing body
- if being leased: Lessors full name adn Addr req
Application Form: 2. Policy Period
- Coberages starts at time of applcaitoon
- Coverage ends 12:01 std time at addr of insured
Application Form: 3. Particulars of described auto
- model, year, make, trade name, body type, VIN, etc…
- If owned or leased
- purchase price (incl options, taxes, etc)
- commuting distance to work, annual drivingdistances
- if any car pooling
- modifications
- May req additional coverage if car:
- being renred/leased
- passengers for compentsqation, hauling a trailer, carrying explosives or radioactive materials
- how many cars in houshold? how many drivers?
Application form: 4. Driver info
- persons not named can use auto
- Applicant must provide:
- names of all drivers
- approx % of use of auto
- # years licenced
- Applicant must provide:
- retiree discount: must sign declaration of retirement
Application Form: 5.Prevoous accidenrs adn Insurance claims
- details of previous accidents and claims for last 6 years
- incl if accident was in an employer auto
- applies to all owned vehicles or operation/use pf any auto
Application Form: 6. History of convictions
info req:
- convictions history (3 years)
- from impaired driving, failure to yield righ of way, etc even if no accident
- Accident and claims history (6 years)
- accident caused by app.
- caused by others having use of applicants auto
- claims for other damage like fire, hail, theft
Aplication form: 7. Rating Information
- this section for broker/company use
- develops rating info from previous sections of application
- will determine premium to be charged
Application Form: 8. Insurance coverages applied for
- clients selects coverages req
- selects limits and deductibles
- total premium shown per vehicle
- premium is estimated and subject to adjustmnet/conformation
- details minimum premium charge in case of cancellation
Application Form: 9. Remarks
- space for applicant to give additional info
Application Form: 10.Method of payment
- type of payment plan
- estimated policy premium
- interest
- total estimated cost
Application Form: 11. Declaration of applicant, penalty for false stmt
applicant sign signs confirm understands that drivers:
- cannot have mental or health related disabilities that will interfere with driving
- cannot be addicted to alcohol, drugs, that interferes with driving
- must notify ministry if they become physically/emotionally disabled that will interfere with driving
cannot recover under policy if insured:
- gives fake description of car insured
- knowingly misrepresents risk/fails to disclose facts (i,e prev accidents, inteded use of car, etc…)
- breaches policy term
- commits fraud
- wilfully makes false stmt in respect of a claim (tries to deceive insurer)
Apllication form: 11. Delcaration (pt.2)
How insurers verify truth of application
- 2 common sources:
- Dept of motor vehicles, etc
- applicants prev. insurer as disclosed on application
Aplication form: 12. Report of broker/Agent
- completed by broker/agent
- indicates:
- coverage bound
- if new business to broker
- type of liability card (temp/perm)
- if applicant known to broker
- how long broker has known principal driver
Special notes: Applcaition pg.2
Note 1: explanation of modified/customized question in sect.3
- i.e: engine modifications, paint change, non factory wheels/radios/cd player
- may req special endorsement, more premium
Note 2: Explains retiree discount, such as qualifications and requirements
- discount applies if main driver:
- retired
- age 65+ and receiving prension
- no earned incme
- not working
- not employed in last 28 weeks of 52
- not operating a business
Ontario Auto Policy (OAP1) Sect 1.1
- “policy is part of contract”
- contract has 3 parts:
- completed/signed app for insurance
- certificate of auto insurance
- policy
Certificate of auto insurance for renewals
- when policy renewed –> new cert of auto ins.
- new inception/expiry date
- if other terms change= varied terms basis
- ins act req insurer gives notice to broker within 45 days before renewsl of terms
- broker notifies insured within 30 days (otherwise will be held responsible)
- not offering a renewal is also “cvaried terms basis”, broker must advise w/in 30 days
Types of coverage
Required (LAUD)
- 3rd party Liability
- Accident benefits
- Uninsured auto
- Direct compensartion property damage ( DCPD)
- Increased liability
- loss/damage to your auto
- Other
- protects you when someone injusred/killed/property dmaged
- pays defence costs to settle claims against you up to limit
- MINIMUM IN ON $200,000
Accident Benefits
- coverss expenses not covered by OHIP regardless who is at fault
- medical rehab
- attendant care
- catastrophic injuries
- caregiver benefits
- housekeeping/home maintenance
- incoem replacement benefits
- dependant care benefit (add on)
- death and funeral benefits (add on)
- indexation benefit- Must buy
- tort deductible
Uninsured auto
- protects you + family if injured/killed by hit n run by uninsured motorist
- covers dmaage to vehicle caused by identified , uninsured drivers
- if someone else at fault, covers damage to YOUR vehicle, contents, equipment, incl loss of contents
Accident benefits coverage before and after June 2016
Prior to June 2016:
Non catastrophic
- medical and rehab: $50,000
- Attendant care: $36,000
- Medical and rehab: $1,000,000
- attendant care: $1,000,000
After June 2016:
Non catastrophic:
- medical and rehab and attendant care: $65,000 (reduced)
- medical and rehad and attendant care:
- $1,000,000
Accident benefits coverage:
Caregiver Benefit
- catastrophic only
- mom covered
- reimburesed to hire someone to care for dependants
- 1st dependent:
- $250/wk
- addtional dependents
- $50/week
Accident benefits coverage:
housekeeping and home maintenence expenses
- reimbursement for someone to take care of household responsibilities
- $100/week
Accident benefits coverage:
Income Replacement Benefits (IRB)
- weekly income up to $400 1 week after accident
- 70% of gross income up to $400/wk max
- can inccrease to $600, $800, $1000 a week
Accident benefits coverage:
- reimbursement for additional expenses toc are for your dependents if employed and injured
- 1st dependent
- $75/week
- additional dependents:
- $25/week
Accident benefits coverage:
death and funeral benefit (add on)
- lump sum pmt to spouse/dependents
- 2nd lump sum pmt for cost of funeral
- $25,000 to spouse
- $10,000 each dependent
- up to $6000 for funeral
Accident benefits coverage:
indexation benefit
- to adjust benefit annually for inflaation
Accident benefits coverage:
Tort deductible
- amt deducted for court awarded compensation for pain and suffering
- $36,905.40 deductible (double chk for 2018)