CH11 - Interest Rate Risk Flashcards
Interest Rate Risk - FORWARDS
Same as currency hedging - Forward
* Locks into a target rate
* Hedges both adverse and favourable movement
How to – Interest Rate Forwards
Essentially the below compares if the rate moved to 7% or 4%.
2-5 FRA 5.00% - 4.70% = 3 month FRA starting at month 2.
If borrowing, choose higher of the spread given always.
Loan Payments 7% 4%
Interest payable on loan: 8m7%3/12 (140,000)
8m4%3/12 (80,000)
FRA Payments
Receivable 8m(7%-5%)3/12 40,000
Payable 8m(4%-5%)3/12 (20,000)
Combination (100,000) (100,000)
Finding the FRA Rate
If wanting to borrow at 2 years
Borrow at 1 year
And borrow at 2 years at the rate using the calc below:
(1+r)=(1+ Year 2 Curve %^2)/(1+ Year 1 Curve %^1)
Interest Rate Futures – The odd one involving ticks
Step 1: Define Buy or Sell
Borrowing = selling bonds so sell futures contracts– put
Depositing = buying bonds, so buy futures contracts – call
Step 2: Find Contract amount
=Loan or deposit amount/Contract Size MULTIPLIED BY Loan or deposit duration/Contract duration
Step 3: Expiry date = closest after
Step 4: Calculate Interest = Loan/deposit amount * Time Apportionment* Interest Rate Future
Step 5: Calculate Profit/Loss on Ticks:
Number of ticks movement per contract: Futures Price now MINUS Futures price future * 100
Value of a tick: Contract sizeTime Apportion0.0001
Profit on Futures: Ticks per contract aboveTick ValueNumber of contracts
Futures Lock in Rate
100 – (current futures price + unexpired basis on the transaction date)
Multiply by borrow value (time apportioned as above) to get interest – will be the same as above
Options on Interest Rate Futures
Borrowing = selling bonds so sell futures contracts– put
Depositing = buying bonds, so buy futures contracts – call
Choosing exercise price:
* May be told which price so check first
* Choose closest price to current interest rate
* Or choose the higherest interest receipt or lot total payment.
- Determine Contract Size – same as above:
Loan or deposit amount/Contract Size MULTIPLIED BY Loan or deposit duration/Contract duration - Premium Calculation – Pay Upfront
Premiumcontract sizeTime apportionment on contract*Contracts required - Define if exercising or not – Remember if we are borrowing, and futures price is lower, then exercise as it means less payable
- Calculate Interest:
Total Borrowed * Borrowing period apportionment * Spot rate now - Calculate the hedge amount:
Sell at exercise price
Close out and buy at futures price given in Q = Gain/Loss
GainContractsContract Size*Time Apportionment on Contract
- Futures – shows the same net effect remember
Interest payable on base % + any extra
Futures working:
Gain or loss on futures now vs futures in future
OR use lock in method
May need to use Basis working if Futures FUTURE not given
- Options
Define Put or BUY, find cheapest depending on borrowing or lending,
Compare exercise price of option vs base rate in future to see if exercise or not
Calculate the interest, premium
Do the Option working: eg sell at and buy and close if gain then work out based on contract business working e.g. size etc
Add all together
Interest Rate Swaps Using the Bank
Compare Fixed and Floating Rate differential from the Home and Counterparty
Then SUM:
Floating Rate Differential MINUS
Fixed Rate Differential MINUS
Charge from Bank Total
= TOTAL Divided by 2 to Split evenly
Then Fixed rate as above
+ Benefit TOTAL
= Net Interest Rate