Ch10 Illegal Agreements Flashcards
It may consist of a private wrong, such as a tort.
A contract that is void does not necessarily involve a crime.
A contract must be for a lawful purpose;
otherwise it is void.
Contracts contrary to a public policy is void.
A contract that is void does not necessarily involve a crime.
Gambling Contracts
Contracts prohibited by Statute
Sunday contracts
Contracts prohibited by Statute
Usurious Contract
Contracts prohibited by Statute
Contracts of an unlicensed operator.
Contracts prohibited by Statute
Contracts for the sale of prohibited articles.
Contracts prohibited by Statute
Contracts in unreasonable restraint of trade.
Contracts prohibited by Statute
Administrative Agency Orders.
Contracts prohibited by Statute
Contracts Not to Compete.
Contracts in unreasonable restraint of trade
Contracts to Limit Competition
Contracts in unreasonable restraint of trade
Contracts to Fix the Resale Price.
Contracts in unreasonable restraint of trade
Unfair Competitive Practices.
Contracts in unreasonable restraint of trade
Contracts limiting freedom of marriage.
Contracts contrary to Public Policy
Contracts obstructing the administration of justice.
Contracts contrary to Public Policy
Contracts injuring the public service.
Contracts contrary to Public Policy
An agreement in which parties win or lose by chance.
Gambling Contract
Interest applied when no rate specified.
Legal rate
Highest legal rate of interest
Maximum Contract Rate
Charging higher rate of interest than law allows
- Some contracts can be for unlawful purposes, depending upon who negotiates them.
- A contract that is set aside because of illegality always involves the commission of a crime.
- If a contract contains both distinctively legal and illegal parts, a court can set aside the illegal part and enforce the legal part.
- Under common law, private wagering contracts were unenforceable. However, now under the UCC, most private wagering contracts are enforceable.
- Sunday contract laws are consistent within all 50 states.
- All contracts to obstruct justice are void.
- The legal rate is considerably higher than the contract rate.