Ch.10 - Cardiovascular System Terms (NOT built from word parts) Flashcards
ballooning of a weakened arterial wall
Angina Pectoris
chest pain, which may radiate to the left arm and jaw, occurs when there is insufficient supply of blood to the heart muscle
any disturbance or abnormality in the heart’s normal rhythmic pattern
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
condition that reduces the flow of blood through the coronary arteries depriving the heart tissue of sufficient oxygen
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
condition of thrombus (blood clot) in a deep vein of the body
Heart Failure (HF)
inability of the heart to pump enough blood through the body to supply tissues/organs oxygen
Mitral Valve Stenosis
narrowing of the mitral valve from scarring, usually caused by episodes of rheumatic fever
Myocardial Infarction (MI)
death of a portion of the myocardium caused by lack of oxygen
Varicose Veins
distended or tortuous veins usually found in the lower extremities
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)
surgical technique to bring a new blood supply to the heart muscle by detouring around the blocked arteries
Coronary Stent
supportive scaffold device placed in the coronary artery
Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA)
procedure in which a balloon is advanced into a coronary artery to the area where plaque has formed
Cardiac Catheterization
diagnostic procedure performed by passing a catheter into the heart from a blood vessel in the groin or arm to examine the condition of the heart
Exercise Stress Test
study that evaluates cardiac function during physical stress by riding a bike or treadmill
Lipid Profile
blood test to measure amount and type of lipids(fat-like substance) in a sample of blood
Blood Pressure (BP)
pressure exerted by the blood against the blood vessel walls
contraction of the heart
device used for measuring blood pressure
sound heard over an artery from vibration in the vessel wall
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
emergency procedure consisting of external cardiac compressions
application of an electric shock to the myocardium through the chest wall to restore normal cardiac rhythm
excessive amount of cholesterol in the blood
excessive amount of any type of fats in the blood
Hypertension (HTN)
blood pressure that is above normal
blood pressure that is below normal
closing or blockage of a blood vessel or hollow organ
agent that narrows the diameter of the blood vessels
agent that expands the diameter of the blood vessels