Ch.1 : Introduction to Public Speaking Flashcards
What are the 2 benefits of public speaking?
- Personal
- Professional
What’s the first step of the elements of communication process?
Encoding : The process of taking an idea or mental image, associating with words, and then speaking those words in an order to convey a message.
Decoding : The reverse process of listening to words, thinking about them, and turning those words into mental images.
What’s the second element of the communication process?
The communicator: The people in the interaction or speech setting. It is used instead of sender and receiver, because when we are communicating with the other people we are not only sending a message, we are receiving messages from others simultaneously.
What is the third element of the communication process?
The message : Thus involves those verbal and nonverbal behaviors, enacted by communications, that are interpreted with meaning by others.
What is the fourth element of the communication process?
Channeling : As obviously know , it’s the way we give out the message, using our senses and body language.
What’s the fifth element of the communication process?
Noise : This refers to anything that interferes with message transmission or reception.
What’s is worldview ?
The overall framework through which an individual sees, thinks about, and interprets the world and interacts with it.
What is Epistemology?
It’s a way we acquire knowledge and/or what counts as knowledge.
What is Ontology?
Refers to our belief system, how we see the nature of reality or what we see as true or false.
What is Axiology?
This represents our value system, or what we see as right or wrong, good or bad, and fair and unfair.
What is Cosmology?
This signifies the way we see our relationship to the universe and to other people.
What is Praxeology?
This denotes our preferred method of completing everyday tasks or our approach to solving problems.
What’s the last element of the communication process?
Context : In which the speech or interaction take place.
What’s the first speaking competency?
Useful topic : To select a topic that is appropriate to the audience and the occasion.
What is the second speaking competency?
Engaging introduction: To formulae an introduction that orients the audience to the topic and the speaker.