CH1 - Canadian Securities Industry Flashcards
An investment dealer operates as an agent when it acts on behalf of a buyer or seller of a security and does not itself own title to the securities at any time during the transaction.
An investment dealer or duly registered individual that is registered to trade in securities in the capacity of an agent or a principal and is a member of a Self Regulatory Organization.
capital markets
Financial markets where debt and equity trade. Capital markets include organized exchanges as well as private placement sources of debt and equity.
CDS clearing and depository service
CDS provides customers with physical and electronic facilities to and withdraw depository-eligible securities and manage their related ledger positions (securities accounts). CDS also provides electronic clearing services both domestically and internationally, allowing customers to report, confirm and settle securities trade transactions.
The process of confirming and matching security trade details.
close-end fund
Shares in close-end investment companies are readily transferable in the open market and are bought and sold like any other shares. Capitalization is fixed.
consumer finance company
Makes direct loans to consumers, who are usually unable to secure a loan with a bank. Consumer finance companies typically charge a higher interest rate than banks.
discount broker
Brokerage house that buys and sells securities for clients at a greater commission discount than full-service firms. Also known as self-directed brokers.
financial intermediary
An institution such as a bank, life insurance company, credit union or mutual fund which receives cash, which it invests, from suppliers of capital.
Financial technology companies that take advantage of computer technology to provide more efficient financial products and services.
Policies implemented to separate and isolate persons within a firm who make investment decisions from persons within a firm who are privy to undisclosed material information, which make influence those decisions. For example, there should be separate fax machines for research departments and sales departments.
institutional firm
Investment dealer that serves institutional clients exclusively.
integrated firm
Investment dealer that offers products and services that cover all aspects of the industry, including full participation in both the institutional and retail markets.
investment dealer
A person or company that engages in the business of trading in securities in the capacity of an agent or principal and is a member of IIROC.
investment fund
A fund or company that sells units or shares and invests the proceeds in a portfolio of securities. There are two types: close-end or open-end or mutual fund. Shares in close-end investment companies are readily transferable in the open market and are bought and sold like other shares. Capitalization is fixed. Open-end funds sell their own new shares to investors, buy back their own shares, and are not listed. Open-end funds are so-called because their capitalization is not fixed, they normally issue more shares or units as people want them.
Investment industry association of canada
A member-based professional association that represents the interests of market participants.
mutual fund
An investment fund operated by a company that uses the proceeds from shares or units sold to investors to invest in stocks, bonds, derivatives and other financial securities. Mutual funds offer investors the advantages and diversification and professional management and are sold on a load or no-lad basis. Mutual fund shares/units are redeemable on demand at the fund’s current Net Asset Value Per Share (NAVPS).
open-end fund
An open-end fund is a diversified portfolio of pooled investor money that can issue an unlimited number of shares. The fund sponsor sells shares directly to investors and redeems them as well. These shares are priced daily based on their current net asset value (NAV). Some mutual funds, hedge funds, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are types of open-end funds.
pension fund
A pension fund is a pool of assets managed with the goal of supplying its beneficiaries with income during their retirement years.
primary market distribution
Issuance of securities in the primary market
The person for whom a brokerage executes an order, or a dealer buying or selling for its own account. The term may also refer to a person’s capital or to the face amount of a bond.
retail firm
Retail firms are investment dealers that serve only retail clients. Retail firms include full-service firms and discount brokers. Full-service firms offer a wider variety of products and services for the retail investor. Discount brokers execute trades for retail clients at a reduced rate, but do not provide investment advice.
An online investment service that provides clients with automated investment advice.
sales finance company
Purchases, at a discount, instalment sales contracts from retailers and dealers when such items as new cars and appliances are bought on instalment plans.
savings bank
A financial institution whose main role is to accept savings deposits and pay interest on those deposits. Usually set up by a Government and is similar in function to a credit union.
schedule I bank
Canadian owned banks. The largest 6 banks in Canada out distance the asset size of other Canadian-owned banks. Schedule I banks are regulated by the Bank Act.
schedule II bank
Banks that are incorporate and operate in Canada as federally regulated foreign bank subsidiaries. Schedule II banks are regulated by the Bank Act.
schedule III bank
Banks that are federally regulated foreign bank branches of foreign institutions that have been authorized under the Bank Act to do banking business in Canada.
self-directed brokerage
Also known as discount brokers. Self-directed brokers offer discounted transaction costs and do not provide investment advice to investors.
The moment of irrevocable exchange of cash and securities.