ch.1 Flashcards
specialist in psychology/education who develops and evaluates psychological tests
standardized procedure for sampling behavior and describing it with categories/scores
standardized procedure
essential feature of any psychological test. test is considered to be standardized if the procedures for administering it are uniform from one examiner and setting to another
summary of test results for a large and representative group of subjects
standardization sample
group must be representative of the population for whom the test is intended or else it’s not possible to determine an examinees relative standard
norm referenced test
the performance of each examinee is interpreted in reference to a relevant standardization sample
criterion- referenced test
objective is to determine where the examinee stands with respect to very tightly defined educational objectives
appraising/estimating the magnitude of one or more attributes in a person
group tests
largely paper and pencil measures suitable to the testing of large groups of people at the same time
individual tests
instruments that by their design and purpose must be administered one on one. examiner can gauge the level of motivation of the subject and assess the relevance of other factors (impulsive/ anxiety) on the test results.
intelligence tests
measure an individuals ability in relatively global areas such as verbal areas such as verbal comprehension, perceptual organization, or reasoning and thereby help determine potential for scholastic work or certain occupations
aptitude tests
measure the capability for a relatively specific task or type of skill; aptitude tests are in effect, a narrow form of ability testing
achievement tests
measure a persons degree of learning, success, or accomplishment in a subject/task
creativity tests
access novel, original thinking and the capacity to find unusual or unexpected solutions, especially for vaguely defined problems
personality tests
measure the traits qualities, or behaviors that determine a person’s individuality; such tests include checklists, inventories, and projective techniques
interest inventories
measure an individuals preference for certain activities/ topics and thereby help determine occupational choice
behavioral procedures
objectively describe and count the frequency of a behavior, identifying the antecedents and consequences of the behavior
neuropsychological tests
measure cognitive, sensory, perceptual, and motor performance to determine the extent, locus, and behavioral consequences of brain damage
uses of testing
classification, diagnosis and treatment planning, self-knowledge, program evaluation, research
encompasses a variety of procedures that share a common purpose: assigning a person to one category rather than another.
sorting of people into different programs appropriate to their needs and skills
refers to quick and simple tests or procedures to identify people who might have special characteristics/ needs
has a pass/fail quality. passing this exam has privileges. implies that a person has at least a minimum proficiency in some discipline or activity
consists of two intertwined tasks: determining the nature and source of a person’s abnormal behavior, and classifying the behavior pattern within an accepted diagnostic system
self knowledge
feedback a person receives from psychological tests can change a career path/ alter a person’s life course.
systematic evaluation fo educational and social problems
social programs are designed to provide services that improve social conditions and community life.
a comfortable, warm atmosphere that serves to motivate examinees and elicit cooperation. cold testers will likely obtain less cooperation from their subjects
examiner sex, experience, and race
most studies find that these traits make little difference. mistrustful AM do poorly when tested by white examiners
effects of test anxiety
test anxiety refers to the responses that accompany concern about possible failure on a test. test anxiety is negatively correlated with school achievement, aptitude test scores, and measures of intelligence