Ch.1 Flashcards
absolute threshold
minimum stimulus energy required for an observer to detect a stimulus
motor activities such as moving the head or eyes and locomoting through the environment. One of the major outcomes of the perceptual process
Bottum up Processing
processing based on the information in the receptors. data based processing
classical psychophysical methods
method of limits, adjustment, and constant stimuli, described by Fetchner that are used for measuring thresholds.
cognitive influences on perception
how the knowledge, memories, and expectations that a person brings to a situation influence his/her perception
Difference threshold
minimum detectable difference between two stimuli
Environmental stimulus
the stimulus “out there” in the external environment
Frontal Lobe
receiving signals from all the senses, plays an important role in perceptions that involve the coordination of information received through two or more senses. serves function such as language,memory, thought, motor functioning
Any information that the perceiver brings to a situation. Top down processing
Magnitude Estimation
a psychophysical in which the subject assigns numbers to a stimulus that are proportional to the subjective magnitude
method of adjustment
A psychophysical method in which the experimenter or observer adjusts the stimulus intensity in a continuous manner until the observer detects the stimulus
method of constant stimuli
a psychophysical method in which a number of stimuli with different intensities are repeated in a random order
method of limits
psychophysical method in which the experimenter presents sequences of stimuli in ascending and descending order
Neural processing
Operations that transform electrical signals within a network of neurons or that transform the response of individual neurons
Oblique Effect
Enhanced sensitivity to vertically and horizontally oriented visual stimuli compared to obliquely oriented stimuli. This effect has been demonstrated by measuring both perception and neural responding
occipital lobe
a lobe at the back of the cortex that is the site of the cortical receiving area for vision
Parietal Lobe
a lobe at the top of the cortex that’s the site of the cortical receiving area for touch and is the termination point of the dorsal(where or how) stream for visual processing.
Perceived magnitude
a perceptual measure of stimuli, such as light or sound, that indicates the magnitude of experience