Ch1 Flashcards
“the idea which seeks to understand another persons belief and behaviours from the perspective of their culture” is known as
cultural relativism
father of american anthropology
franz boas
study of relationship between language and cultures
mongloid race is represented by the
chinese and japanese
indian racial classification by Herbert Hope
blood type that can receive blood from A, B, AB & O
how many pair of autosomes humans have?
visualization of chromosomes under a microscope
karyotype analysis
mendel’s experiment, law of independent assortment is based on the ratio
what is genotype?
the set of alleles carried by an organism
what is anthropomentry
the science of measuring the different limbs of the body
physical anthropology deals with
human evolution
human genetics
human biology
pedagogical anthropology
the term ethnology was coined by
Adam Franz Kollar
the study of how organisms become fossils
the principle indicating that the geological phenomenon burying landscapes today operated in the same way in the past
‘action anthropology’ who coined this term?
Sol Tax
principle propounding layers stack over the time
Half life of 14C
5730 years
radiocarbon dating was invented by
JR Arnold
WF Libby
process by which individuals are socially attached to their parents
stratified samples fall under
probability sampling design
cultural anthropology to understand human ecology and adaptation was introduced by
Julian Steward
symbolic anthropology is a reaction to
best known as an ethnographer
Margaret Mead
concept of alienation was first introduced by
Karl Marx
study of aged and aging
which anthropologist indicates about ethnographic field work
Bronislaw Malinowski
sociolinguistics came to be called by _________
what is diffusion
spread of customs or practices from one culture to another
a chart depicting genetic relationship and transmission of inherited traits
genetic drift
founder effect
who coined the term ‘anthropology’
field of anthropology that studies cross-cultural knowledge and the use of plants is called_____________
who coined the term ‘genetics’?
william bateson
who discovered ABO blood groups?
O blood group child cannot have one of the parents with_________
the attitude that you can understand or judge another culture in terms of your own culture is called__________
Famous UNESCO statement of 1951 is associated with
race and racism
the word anthropology first appeared in renaissance Germany, in the works of _______________________________
Magnus Hundt
Otto Casmann
reproductive cell division
in the commonwealth countries which british tradition of anthropology tends to dominate?
Social Anthropology
four-field approach of anthropology
Franz Boas
in nature, the mode or strategy for survival is known as_________
an adaptation
Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead are students of________?
Franz Boas
Applied Anthropology includes
Cultural resource management
hominid evolution
Biological anthropology includes the study of
Fossil record of human evolution
Human variation
what is the overall goal of ‘participation observation’ field work?
maximum about communities in the shortest time possible
who said that sociology should relinquish every attempt at discovering origins and forms of evolution?
Claude Levi Strauss
Evolutionary Anthropologists
E.B. Taylor
L.H. Morgan
Father of modern anthropology
Franz Boas
concepts given by Mendel
Law of independent assortment
Law of dominance
Law of segregation
who has given the mutation theory?
Hugo de Vries
Theories of human evolution
Natural selection
Genetic drift
what is a Genotype ?
a genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual
what is a Phenotype ?
a phenotype is the observable expression of that genetic makeup
genetic disorder caused by a recessive allele
cystic fibriosis
blood group that is a universal donor_________
which theories of human evolution states that humans evolved from a common ancestor with the chimpanzees?
The Killer Ape theory
cranial capacity of homo erectus ?
which term is used to describe a group of people who share a common biological ancestry?