Ch1 Flashcards
Branches of external carotid behind ear
- post auricular
- occipital
Arteries related to digastric
Occipital artery: passes along the lower border of posterior belly of the digastric muscle.
Posterior auricular artery: passes along the upper border of posterior belly of digastric muscle.
Blood supply for facial N
Posterior auricular gives stylomastoid artery which supplies the facial nerve in the facial canal.
What area of scalp is blood supplied by supra t and supra orbital
Forehead and far back as the vertix
Occipital vein drains into …
Suboccipital plexus
Nerve supply to scalp in front of the ear
- Supratrochlear
ophthalmic nerve to the forehead. 2. Supraorbital nerve: from the ophthalmic nerve to the scalp till the
vertex (highest point of skull).. 3. Zygomaticotemporal nerve: from the
maxillary nerve to the temporal region.
4. Auriculotemporal nerve: from the mandibular nerve to the temporal region
N supply to scalp behind ear
Great auricular nerve (C2, 3): to the skin of the angle of the mandible, lower half of
the auricle and the scalp.
Lesser occipital nerve( v of c2) to the scalp and upper half of the auricle (inner surface).
3 Greater occipital nerve (dorsal ramus of c2 ) scalp till vertix
43rd occipital nerve (dorsal ramus of C3): to skin over external occipital protuberance.
By 3 groups of lymph nodes:
- Submental nodes:
Drain the chin and the central part of the lower lip.
- Preauricular (parotid) nodes:
Drain the lateral half of the eyelids & lateral part of the face.
- Submandibular nodes:
Drain the medial half of the eyelids and remaining parts of the face.
Buccinator origin and insertion
- Upper fibers:
From the maxilla above the 3 molar teeth.
- Lower fibers:
From the mandible below the 3 molar teeth.
- Middle fibers:
From the pterygomandibular ligament which extends from the pterygoid hamulus superiorly to mylohyoid line of the mandible inferiorly.
- Upper fibers: into the upper lip.
- Lower fibers: into the lower lip.
- Middle fibers: cross at the corner of the mouth so that upper fibers enter the lower lip and lower fibers enter the upper lip.
Orbicularis oris origin insertion and action
: consists of fibers that completely encircle the mouth (oral sphincter)
Origin: from the maxilla, the mandible and from the buccinator muscles Insertion: into the skin and mucous membrane of the lips.
Action: it closes the lips and is used during whistling.
Ear n supply
G auricular
Lower half
L occ.
Upper and internal
Auriculo temporal
Ext auditory meatus
Eyelid n supply
- supra troclear
- – sup orbital
- —-palpebral of lacrimal of ophthalmic
– palpepral of infraorbital
Nose skin n supply
- lateral
From infraorbital
- upper from infratrochlear of nasociliary
- lower from ext nasal
Cheek n supply
- over zygo ..zygomatico facial - over buccinator .. buccal of mandibular - also infra orbital
Temple n supply
In front of ear post to ant
- auriculo temporal
- zygomatico temporal
- lesser occipital behind ear
Facial nerve 7 branches
Branches of the extracranial part:
A. At the stylomastoid foramen: 2 branches:
Branches of the Facial Nerve
- Posterior auricular nerve: to occipital belly of the occipitofrontalis and the posterior auricular muscle. 2. Nerve to digastric: to the posterior belly of the digastric and stylohyoid muscles.
B. Inside the parotid gland: 5 terminal branches:
- Temporal branch: to frontal belly of occipito
frontalis and anterior & superior auricular muscles. 2. Zygomatic branch: to the orbicularis oculi.
- Buccal branch: to the buccinator muscle.
- Mandibular branch: to muscles of the lower lip.
- Cervical branch: to the platysma.
Foramen of f nerve
Stylomastoid foramen
Facial artery arises where
Above lingual
Relation of facial artery and vein
Artery is ant to vein
Anastomosis of facial artery
- angular with branches of ophthalmic
- labial (sup labial) with each other providing connections between both ext carotid in both sides
Branches of facial artery
- angular
- lateral nasal
- inf labial artery
- sup labial with its Septal branch
Branches of sup temporal A
Transverse facial artery
2: Zygomatico-orbital artery)
3: Middle temporal artey
4: Anterior auricular artery
Sa: Anterior terminal branch 5b. Posterior terminal branch
2 terminal branches of external carotid
Max A
Sup Temporal A
Transverse facial A course
below the zygomatic arch and above the parotid duct.
Ant auricular and sup temporal supply which structures
Anterior auricular artery; to the external auditory meatus
5. Anterior & posterior terminal branches: to the lateral aspect of the scalp…
blood supply of face from max A branches
- inf orbital A
- mental A
- buccal A
Z.facial and z temporal as A and as N
As A
From ophthalmic lacrimal
As N
From maxillary n
Ophthalmic A contribution to face blood supply
- Supra orbital and trochlear to the scalp
- z.facial and z.temporal of lacrimal of ophthalmic
- dorsal nasal A terminal branch to the dorsum of nose
Veins of the face
- ant facial
- common facial
- retro mandibular
- deep facial
Dangerous area of the face
Upper lip
Medial corner of the eye
Bells palsy symptoms
Facial nerve injury at the stylomastoid foramen (Bell’s palsy) causes paralysis of the muscles of facial expression of the same side:
- Frontalis: inability to raise the eyebrow. 2. Orbicularis oculi: inability to close the eye.
- Buccinator: accumulation of food in the vestibule.
- Orbicularis oris: inability to whistle or blow.
- Oral muscles: drooping of angle of the mouth. 6. Platysma: the skin falls away from the neck