CH08 - X Ray Spectroscopy Flashcards
Every day life
Security, Medicine, Astronomy, Chemistry
The emission maxima depends on…
the element (exclusively)
Emission spectrum results from transitions of internal electrons. Therefore it does not depend on ionization state (unlike AES) or bonding.
Incoming radiation hits which electron?
the lowest energy electron (K)
what happens to this electron?
it gets kicked out
formula for change in E
change in E= E-E0
E0 is
K orbital (lowest energy)
E in E-E0 is
the incoming radiation
What happens to E0 when it is kicked out?
Another electron from a higher energy will take its place
formula for K alpha line energy
change in E= E1-E0 = K alpha line energy
The first xray emission line is from
Relaxation of whichever electron is taking the place of the electron being kicked out
The second E in E-E0 is…
Whichever orbital the electron being kicked off is located
Remembering E formula
Where it’s currently at - where its going ,= letter orbital where its going
Moseley’s law
The square root of the frequency of the x-ray emitted by an atom is proportional to its atomic number
Xray Absorption formula
I=I0e ^ -umpx
“Beer’s law” for XRA
Meaning of I in absorption formula?
transmitted power
Meaning of I0 in absorption intensity formula?
incident power
mass absorption coefficient (units: (cm2)/gr)
- Characteristic value depends on element and absorbed wavelength.
- Does not depend on chemical or physical state of element.
(It’s actually “rho”)
sample density (units: gr/cm)
sample thickness (units:cm)
sample placed in a beam of Xrays. Some absorbed.
qualitative analysis with XRF?
xrays of characteristic wavelengths emiited
quantiative analysis with XRF?
Emission intensity proportional to element concentration
Bragg Equation
n - differaction order
lamba - x ray wavelength
d - interplanar spacing
theta - x-ray angle of incidence
unit cell
smallest volume element thats completely represenative of the whole crystal
Miller Indices
integers of any family of parallel planes. the integers are recipricals of the coordinates in which the planes intersect x, y and z axes.
Given the set of Miller indices (4,4,0), (3,3,0), (2,2,0) for parallel crystal planes, which is the closest to the origin of
the set of planes?
(4,4,0), because indices are reciprocals of actual intersection points on axes.
essential components
source of monochromatic xrays (Cu anode),sample holder (spins),detector,data recording & processing
heart of diffractometer\XRF spectrometer. keeps source, sample, & detector in correct relative positions & permits scattering angle to be controlled
xray tubes must have
Source of electrons,high voltage source to accelerate electrons ,metal target. components are encased in a vacuum tube.
filament tubes cathode filament
filament tubes anode
filament tubes - what emits xrays
focal spot on anode
how do filament tubes work
- The cathode (filament) is heated and emits electrons by thermionic emission.
- Electrons are accelerated toward cathode by a sufficiently high voltage between the cathode and anode (2-100kV)
- Upon striking it, the electrons
give up their energy at the metallic surface of the anode. If the electrons have been accelerated
to a high enough velocity, energy
is released as X-rays (0.1–100 Å) - xray escape from windows made of material of low coefficient of absorption (Be, Al, mica)
2-100kV is the voltage range that can emit electrons. tube voltage is usually 4-50kV.
filament tubes disadvs
expensive, limited life time
filament tubes operate at approx
Kb & Ka
numerical subscripts relate to relative intensities ,Kb never resolved, only Ka noticeable ,Kb removed by filter