Ch. XXVIII Flashcards
Arma, Armorum
N., Pl., “Arms, Weapons”
Cursus, Cursus
M., “Running, Race; Course”
Luna, Lunae
F., “Moon”
Occasio, Occasionis
F., “Occasion, Opportunity”
Parens, Parentis
M./F., “Parent”
Stella, Stellae
F., “Star, Planet”
Vesper, Vesperis (or vesperi)
M., “Evening; Evening star”
Mortuus, Mortua, Mortuum
Princeps, (gen.) Principis
“Chief, Foremost”
Noun: M./F., “Leader, Emperor”
Conj. + Subjunctive of Command and Purpose, “In order that, So that, That, In order to, So as to, To”
Adv. and Conj. with Subjunctive of Command and Purpose, “Not; In order that… not, That… not, In order not to”
Cedo, Cedere, Cessi, Cessum
“To go, Withdraw; Yield to, Grant, Submit”
Dedico, Dedicare, Dedicavi, Dedicatum
“To dedicate”
Egeo, Egére, Egui
+ Abl. or Gen., “To need, Lack, Want”
Expleo, Explére, Explevi, Expletum
“To fill, Fill up, Complete”