Ch 9 Vocab Flashcards
Confidence level
The chance, measured in percent, that the result of the survey will fall with in the boundaries set by the margin of error
Biased sample
A group of poll respondents that does not accurately represent the target population and provides inaccurate estimates of the true opinions and attitudes of the target population
Delegate model of representative democracy
The idea that the job of the elected leaders is to make decisions solely based on the views of the majority of the people
The idea of public opinion being either positive or negative
Elite opinion
The attitudes or beliefs of those people with influential positions in society
A consistent set of values,attitudes, and beliefs about the appropriate role of government in society
The process of designing survey questionnaires
How strongly people hold the beliefs or attitudes that comprise public opinion
Issue public
A section of the public with a strong interest in a particular issue
Margin of error
The amount that sample responses are likely to differ from those of the population within very tight boundaries that are known as the confidence level
Political culture
A set of shared beliefs that included broad agreements about basic political values, agreement about the legitimacy of political institutions, and general acceptance of the process government uses to make policy.
Political participation
The translation of personal preferences into a voluntary action designed to influence public policy
Political socialization
The process through which a younger generation learns political values from an previous generations
Public opinion
The sum of individuals attitudes or beliefs about an issue or question
Push poll
A type of public opinion poll that intentionally uses leading or biased questions in order to manipulate the responses
Random sample
A method of selecting a sample(subset of the population) in which every person in the target population has an equal chance of being selected
Reference groups
Groups that influence the political attitudes of non-group members
The prominence or visibility of an issue or question and how important the issue is to the public
The likelihood of changes in the direction of public opinion
Straw polls
Unscientific polls based on nonrandom samples
Trustee system of democracy
The idea that the job of elected leaders is to make decisions based on their own expertise and judgement, and not just make decisions based on the wishes and preference of constituents