Ch. 9 Reading Flashcards
The distance between any 2 corresponding points on adjacent waves
Wave cycle going up
Wave cycle going back down
What units can wave length to be measured in?
Meters, centimeters, or nanometers
The number of waves that pass a certain point in a specified amount of time
What unit is frequency measured in?
Units of cycles per second or waves per second
As the wavelength of a wave increases what happens to the frequency?
It decreases
What is the highest energy form of electromagnetic waves?
Gamma rays
What is the lowest energy form of electromagnetic waves?
Radio waves
The electromagnetic spectrum
All forms of electromagnetic radiation
Emission spectrum (atomic spectrum)
The unique pattern of light obtained when the element is subjected to heat or electricity
Only specific amounts of energy levels are possible
Ground state
The electrons typically have the lowest energy possible
Excited state
If the electrons are given energy (through heat, light, electric, etc) electrons in an atom could absorb energy by jumping to a higher energy level
energy given off by electrons in the form of a piece of light
Quantum mechanics

The study of the motion of objects that are atomic or subatomic in size and thus demonstrate wave particle duality
What is the study of motion of large objects?
Small pieces of energy
Mathematically derived regions of space with different probabilities of having an electron
Orbits (bohr model)
Simple circular orbit with the fixed radius around the nucleus
Electron configurations
A map of the electrons for a given atom
Orbitals I have the same value of the principal quantum number form what?
Orbitals within a cell that have the same value of the angular quantum number
Electronic configuration
Represent the organization of electrons in shells and subshells in an atom
I The lowest energy sublevel is always the ____ sub level, which consists of one orbital 
The single electron of the ________ atom ill occupy the 1s orbital when the atom is in its _________ state
The Aufbau Principle
States that an electron occupies orbitals in order from lowest energy to highest. Sometimes referred to as the building up principal. 
Pauli exclusion principle
States that no two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers
Hunds Rule
States that orbitals of equal energy are each occupied by one electron before any orbital is occupied by a second electron and that each of the single electrons must have the same spin
s block
The first two rows of the periodic table
P block
Right most six columns of the periodic table
D block
The middle 10 columns of the periodic table
F block
The 14-column section that is normally depicted as detached from the main body of the periodic table
Variance electrons
The electrons in the highest-numbered shell, plus any electrons in the last unfilled subshell
Valence shell
The highest numbered shell
What are the inner electrons called?
Core electrons
Vertical column of the periodic table
How many valence electrons do the A1 elements have?
Alkali metals
Group 1A, soft metals that can be easily cut
What group is Alkaline earth metals?
Group 2A
What group is called halogens?
Group 7A (very reactive nonmetal elements)
What group is called the noble gases?
Group 8A, Extremely unreactive, rarely forming compounds
Horizontal row of elements on the periodic table
Transition elements
Group 3 to 12 on the periodic table
Periodic trends
The variation of properties versus position on the periodic table
Atomic radius
An indication of the size of an atom
PT stands for ____________ ______________
Periodic table
Atomic size
The distance from the nucleus to the valence shell where the valence electrons are located
Atomic radius
A more definite and measurable way of defining atomic size
 what are the three factors that help the prediction of the trends in the periodic table?
- ) number of protons in the nucleus
- ) number of shells
- ) shielding effect