CH 9: NIV Monitoring Neo and Peds Flashcards
Which of the following demonstrates incorrect application of the pulse oximeter sensor?
A. Tight placement over a bony area
The following choices are all disadvantages of a pulse oxymeter except:
A. Ease of use
Which of the following measurements are obtained via transcutaneous monitoring in the neonatal and pediatric population?
C. PO2 and PCO2
Which of the following is not a disadvantage of transcutaneous monitoring?
C. Use requires the patient to be paralyzed and sedated.
Trending ETCO@ via capnometry enables the clinician to have a good sense of the adequacy of___ for the patient.
B. Ventilation
A cleft in phase C-D of the capnogram in the figure accompanying question 7 may indicate:
B. That medication used to paralyze the infant is wearing off.
What accounts for the difference between PaCO2 and EtCO2?
B. Dead-space ventilation
What is the normal gradient between PaCO2 and EtCO2?
D. 0 to 5 mmHg
Indirect calorimetry requires which of the following to calculate energy expenditure?
C. Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide elimination.