Ch 9 Group 17 Flashcards
Is bromine more dense then air
Dissolve in cyloxegane
Iodine purple
Bromine orange
Chlorine pale green
Reaction with hydrogen. Conditions F Cl Br I
I (reacts vigorously in dark conditions.)
Cl (reacts explosivley in sunlight)
Br(reacts slowley on heating)
I. (Forms equilibrium mixture on heating )
Coloure of iodine vapours
Purple gas
Silver nitrate and ammonia test
Silver nitrate. Aq ammonia conc NH3
Cl. White. Dissolve. Dissolve
Br cream. Insoluble. Dissolves
I. Pale yellow. Insoluble. Insoluable
Sulfuric acid acts as what with NaBr and NaI
Oxidising agent as they are vetter reducing agent
With others it acts as a acid
NaBr + H2So4
Br2 + So2 +2H2O
Reddish brown gas observed
Chlorine in cold alkali
Chlorine in hot alkali
Cl2 + 2NaOH. =. NaCl + NaClO + H2O
Oxidation. 0. -1. +1
Disproportionate reaction
3Cl2. + 6NaOH. = 5 NaCl + NaClO3 + 3 H2O
0. -1. +5
Chlorination of water equation
And what kills bacteria
Cl2 + H2O = HCl. + HClO
HClo decomposes slowly forming. { O } this is what kills bacteria