Ch 9 - Capital gains tax Flashcards
What is CGT charged on?
Gains arising on chargeable disposals of chargeable assets by chargeable persons
Who is included in ‘chargeable persons’
What is the difference between chargeable persons when looking at CGT?
Individuals pay CGT
Companies pay corporation tax on their gains
What do chargeable disposals include?
Sale or gift of the whole or part of an asset
Loss or total destruction of an asset
What does chargeable disposals not include?
- Gifts to charities/museums etc
- Disposals on death
- Disposals between spouses
What is the date of disposal for disposals under contract?
- When the contract is made
- When the contract is conditional, the date is when all conditions are met
When are assets not chargeable assets?
All assets are chargeable unless specifically exempted
In which case, they are outside the scope of CGT
Give some examples of empt assets
Motor cars (including vintage cars)
Gilt edged securities and qualifying corporate bonds
National Savings Certificates (NSC) and premium bonds
Prices and betting winnings
Assets held in Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)
Certain types of chattels
What is the CGT computation?
Chargeable gains for tax year X
Annual empt amount (X)
Taxable gains = X- (X)
Tax liability at 10%/20% X
What is the annual exempt amount?
When does an individual get the annual exempt amount?
For each tax year they get the AEA of £11,700
Can unused AEA be b/f or c/f?
No can’t carry forward or backwards
What does the rate of CGT depend on?
Individuals taxable income
What are the CGT rates and what do they depend on?
Depend on taxable income
Higher/additional = 20%
Basic = 10% for gains using up basic band
then 20% on rest of it
How do individuals give details about their chargeable gains
Through the self-assessment system
What is the deadline for submitting SA return and payment of CGT?
31 January following the end of the tax year
TYU1: Ahmed has chargeable gains of £33,300 for TY 18/19.
Calc Ahmed’s CGT liability for the TY 18/19 and state the due date for payment
a. Assuming Ahmed has taxable income of £1,370
b. Assuming Ahmed has taxable income of £24,855
Chargeable gains for TY = £33,300
Annual exempt amount = £(11,700)
Taxable gains = £21,600
a. CGT liability = £21,600 * 10% = £2,160
All of Ahmed’s taxable gains fall within his unused basic rate band of £33,130 (£34,500 - £1,370)
b. CGT liability £9,645 * 10% (W £34,500 - £24,855) = £964 11,955 * 20% = £2,391 income = £21,600 Total income = £3,355
Both cases: he must pay CGT liability by 31 Jan 2020
If a question refers to chargeable gain, is this before or after deducting the annual exempt amount?
Before deducting AEA
If a question refers to taxable gain, is this before or after deducting the annual exempt amount?
After deducting AEA