Ch. 8 Municipal Bonds Flashcards
What are General Obligation (GO) Bonds?
- They fund Non-Revenue producing facilities
-Not self-supporting
-Issued to build or support projects like schools, libraries, police, fire, etc. - Backed by the Full Faith and Credit (Taxing Power) of the Municipality
-The taxes of the people living in the municipality back the bonds
-Taxpayers have a right to vote on the project
-Property AND Sales Taxes - Require Vote Approval
-Taxpayers have the right to vote on the project b/c backed by their tax $$$
Factors that can impact a GO Bond’s marketability
Characteristics of the issuer
Factors affecting the issuer’s ability to pay
Municipal debt ratios
Quality rating
Call Feature
Interest (coupon) rate
Block Size
Dollar Price
Issuer’s name (reputation)
Liquidity of the bond
Credit and liquidity support
Sinking Fund
Credit Enhancement
Re: marketability of GO Bonds, what is Quality Rating?
Three main credit rating agencies are Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch
The higher the credit rating the safer the bond and the more marketable it is
Re: marketability of GO Bonds, what is Maturity?
The shorter the maturity, the more marketable the bond issue
Re: marketability of GO Bonds, what is Call Features?
Callable bonds are less marketable than non-callable bonds
Re: marketability of GO Bonds, what is Interest (coupon) rate?
Bonds with higher coupon (interest) rates are more marketable
Re: marketability of GO Bonds, what is Block Size
The larger the block size, the more marketable the bond usually is.
Re: marketability of GO Bonds, what is Dollar Price
The lower the dollar price, the more marketable the bond is
Re: marketability of GO Bonds, what is Issuer’s name
Bonds are more marketable when the issuer has a good reputation for paying off its bonds on time
If they have a national “name” that also help w/ marketability
Re: marketability of GO Bonds, what is Liquidity
The ability to sell the bond in the secondary market
The more liquidity, the easier it would be to sell in the secondary market
Re: marketability of GO Bonds, what is Credit and liquidity support
when Muni’s are issued w/ credit and Liquidity Support, they have a bank issued leter of credit commiting to payment of principal and interest in the even that the municipal issuer is unable to do so.
Adds a layer of safety (lower yield)
Re: marketability of GO Bonds, what is Denominations
Frequently of $5,000 but can be as low as $1,000 and as high as $100,000.
How affordable is it for investors. ($100,000 would be hard to sell)
Re: marketability of GO Bonds, what is Sinking Fund?
If the issuer has put money aside to pay the bonds off at maturity, the bonds are more marketable because the default risk is lower.
Re: marketability of GO Bonds, what is Credit Enhancement?
Uses credit from another entity to provie additional scurity to a bond issue.
bond insurance, bank leters of credit, government guarantees, etc
more desirable to investors but produce lower yields.
SEC is requiring issuers of muni bonds to update the MSRB when…
Material changes take place that could afect the marketability of their municipal securities.
Any materical changes must be disclosed w/in 10 biz days
Info will be made available to investors & industry professionals on the MSRB’s EMMA website
What are material changes that must be disclosed w/in 10 biz days?
Principal & interest payment
delinquencies on the securities being offered
unscheduled draws on debt service reserves
unscheduled draws on credit enhancements
substitution of credit or liquidity providers
ratings changes
tender offers
adverse tax opinions that might make the issue taxable
non-payment related defaults
bond calls
When considering a GO Muni bond, how do you deal with debt?
- Consider the municipality’s name (reputation)
- Look at credit history
- Look at current debt
When analyzing a GO muni bond looking at current debt, consider 1, 2, 3
- Net Overall Debt
- Net Direct Debt
- Overlapping Debt
What is Net Overall Debt
Debt that the muni owes directly plus the portion of overlapping debt that the muni is responsible for
What is Net Direct Debt?
The debt the Muni obtained on its own
Comes from both GO bonds and short term muni notes
Revenue bonds are NOT included
What is Overlapping Debt?
Occurs when several authorities in a geographic area have the ability to tax the same residents.
What is Debt Per Capita
Take the debt (overall, direct, or overlapping) and divide it by the number of people in the municipality.
The lower the number, the better!
How are property values connected to GO Muni Bonds?
Ad Valorem taxes (property taxes) are based on assessed property values.
The higher the assessed property value, the higher the ad valorem taxes (property taxes), the more taxes collected and the easier it is for the municipality to pay off its debt
Ad Valorem taxes are based on _____ or ______ of a dollar.
mills or thousandths of a dollar ($0.001)
How is Population of a municipality connected to GO Muni Bonds?
The more people who live there and pay taxes, the better for investors.
Population trend is important too - they want people to be moving into a municipality, not out of a municipality.
Easier for investors to recoup their principal and interest.
What is a Tax Base?
The # of people living in the municipality,
the Assessed property values
the Average income
Larger tax bases are ideal to support municipal GO Bonds
What are Sales Per Capita
Sales tax also supports GO Muni Bonds
the amount of goods the average person buys is important
What are Traffic Finds and Licensing Fees? (re: GO Muni bonds)
Help pay for the municipality’s debt
Because Muni GO bonds are backed by the huge taxing power of a municipality…
they have higher ratings and lower yields than revenue bonds. B/c investors are not taking as much risk, they don’t get as much reward.
What are Qualified Bonds?
Interest expenses associated w/ purchasing securities are deductible from taxes.
When municipal bonds are puchased ON MARGIN, they _____ tax deductible
What is a Bank Qualified Bond?
If the muni bonds are bank qualified, commercial banks can purchase the muni bonds on margin and deduct 80 PERCENT of the MARGIN INTERST EXPENSE ON THEIR TAXES while still receiving TAX-FREE INTEREST from the municipal bond.
Not available to retail investors
When are Revenue Bonds issued by a municipality?
To fund municipal facilities that will generate enough income to support the bonds
Raise money for certain utilities, toll roads, airports, hospitals, student loans, etc.
Do NOT need voter approval
Require a FEASIBILITY STUDY (Does this make sense?)
What is an Industrial Development Bond? (IDB)
Municipal Bond (The riskiest muni bond)
Finance the construction of facilities for corporations that move into that municipality.
Issued by municipalities
Because a corporation is backing the bonds, the credit rating of the bonds is derived from the credit rating of the corporation.
B/c benefits a corporation and not the mni, the interest income may not be federally tax-free to investors subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)