CH 8 Gaussian integers Flashcards
DEF 8.0.1 Gaussian integers
The Gaussian integers are the complex numbers in the set
Z[ı] := {a + bı : a, b ∈ Z},
where ı =√−1.
We also talk about Z[√−5] = {a + b√−5 : a, b ∈ Z} quite a few times.
This section is here for reference only. We are not interested in the general theory of
rings, but need some basic concepts in order to discuss Z[ı], Z[√−5] and similar rings.
Therefore, this section is not directly examinable:
he exam will not ask ‘define what
is a ring’ or ‘give an example of a ring which is not an integral domain’. Rather, you
may be asked about primes, units, factorisations in specific rings of number theoretic
interest such as Z[ı], Z[√−5].
for reference only: rings
A ring is a set R equipped with addition ‘α + β’ and multiplication ‘αβ’ satisfying the
usual axioms:
* addition and multiplication are associative; addition is commutative;
* multiplication is distributive over the sum (α(β + γ) = αβ + αγ);
* there is an additive identity (α + 0 = α, α · 1 = α);
* for every α ∈ R, there is an additive inverse −α ∈ R (that is, α + (−α) = 0).
for reference only
examples of rings
Example 8.1.1.
Examples you have seen are Z, Q, R, C. The Gaussian integers form a ring. Indeed, commutativity, distributivity, associativity hold in C, so they also hold
in Z[ı] automatically; we only need to verify that Z[ı] is closed under sums, products,
and taking additive inverses. Let a + bı, c + dı ∈ Z[ı], thus a, b, c, d ∈ Z. Then
(a + bı) + (c + dı) = (a + c) + (b + d)ı ∈ Z[ı],
(a + bı)(c + dı) = (ac − bd) + (ad − bc)ı ∈ Z[ı],
(a + bı) + (−a + (−b))ı = 0 + 0ı = 0.
Two-by-two matrices also form a ring.
N is not a ring: no natural number apart from 0 has an additive inverses in N.
for reference only
Definition 8.1.2 integral domain
An integral domain is a ring where multiplication is commutative and αβ = 0
happens only if α = 0 or β = 0.
Example 8.1.3. Z, integral domains.
Example 8.1.3. Z, Q, R, C, Z[ı] are all integral domains.
Two-by-two matrices are not: multiplication is not commutative. Diagonal two-bytwo matrices do not form an integral domain either: multiplication is commutative,
but for instance
[1 0
0 0 ]
[ 0 0
0 1 ]
0 0
0 0
From now on, let R be an integral dom
Definition 8.
Let α, β ∈ R. We say that β divides α (written β | α) if there is γ ∈ R with α = ,βγ
Example 8.1.5. Within Z, this is the usual definition of divisibil does 2 divide 6 in Z[i]?
Does 1+i divide 2?
for instance, 2 | 6
but 2 ∤ 3.
In Z[ı], we have (1 + ı)(1 − ı) = (1² − ı²) + (1 − 1)ı = 1 + 1 = 2, thus (1 + ı) | 2.
Note that when R ⊆ C, to check if β | α, it suffices to compute γ = α/β
2/(1+i)=2(1-i)/(1+i)(1-i) = 2-2i/2=1+i in Z[i] so true
(a complex number) and check if γ ∈ R. This is analogous to computing a fraction a/b in Q and
checking if a/b ∈ Z
Definition 8.1.6 unit
An element α ∈ R is a unit if α | 1, that is to say, if there is β ∈ R such that αβ = 1
(such β is the multiplicative inverse of 1).
(reminder: a unit is s.t there exists a multiplicative inverse that is also a gaussian integer)
Example 8.1.7. The units of Z are .
Example 8.1.7. The units of Z are the integers ±1.
The units of Z[ı] are
are +1-1,+i,-i
i(-i)=-(-1)(1) multiplicative inverses?
all the numbers α such that
∈ Z[ı].
For instance, (−ı) is a unit: its inverse is ı itself (note that | − ı|^2 = 1!).
Exercise 8.1.8. Show that the units of Z[ı] are exactly ±1 and ±ı. [Hint: show that the
units of Z[ı] must have modulus 1, then find all such Gaussian integers.]
if αβ = 1 for α,β in Z[i]
then | α|^2|β|^2 = 1
property of modulus that it is multiplicative
so |ab|=|a||b|
Definition 8.1.11
Let R be an integral domain. An element α ∈ R that is not a unit is:
* irreducible if whenever α = βγ, one of β, γ is a unit;
* prime if whenever α | βγ, we have α | β or α | γ
(in Z analagous to divisors being 1 or itself, instead we say divisors relate to units)
(irreducible- whenevr we break into products of two other integers then 1 of the integers is a unit)
(prime divide one of two factors)
Example 8.1.12
which primes irreducible in Z
in Z[i[
±2, ±3, ±5, . . . are all primes and irreducible, while for instance
6 = 2 · 3 is not irreducible, nor prime.
in Z[i]
2 is not irreducible
2=(i+1)(1-i) and these arent units
3 is irreducible as we will see later
Lemma 8.1.13. irreducible
Lemma 8.1.13. Every prime is irreducible
Suppose that α is prime and α = βγ. Then α | β or α | γ, while of course β | α and γ | α.If α | β, then γ is a unit by Lemma 8.1.10; if α | γ, then β is a unit. Thus one of
β, γ is a unit, showing that α is irreducible.
Example 8.1.14. Take R = Z[√−5].
Is 2 prime
Is 2 irreducible
6 = 2 · 3 = (1 +√−5)(1 −√−5).
Clearly, 2 ∤ (1 +√−5) and 2 ∤ (1 −√−5) (if you divide by 2, you’ll get 1/2 which is not in Z).
However, 2 is irreducible in Z[√−5]. This will become clear in the next section
so 2 is not prime in Z[√−5]]
lectures α is prime if whenever
α is prime if whenever α| βγ then α | β or α | γ
prime in this case is the same as saying it’s not a unit
for ref only
missed some examples of rings in notes but its for reference mostly end of section here
DEF 8.2.1 NORM
defined for Z[i] and Z[√−5]
The norm of α = a + bı ∈ Z[ı] is
N(α) := a² + b²
The norm of β = c + d√−5 ∈ Z[√−5] is
N(β) := a² + 5b²
Note that the norm is always in N.
always posive also
Note here N(α) =|α|²
N(α) =
N(α) =|α|²
In these rings yes in future not always
property of the norm:
Lemma 8.2.2
property of the norm
For all α, β ∈ Z[ı] (or Z[√−5]), we have N(αβ) = N(α) N(β).
not given as lemma in lectures, not proven
proof: Proof. Just recall that |αβ| = |α||β|. For completeness:
N((ac − bd) + (ad + bc)ı) = (ac − bd)^2 + (ad + bc)^2
= (ac)^2 + (bd)^2 −2abcd + (ad)^2 + (bc)^2 +2abcd
= (a^2 + b^2)(c^2 + d^2) = N(a + bı) N(c + dı). □
Exercise 8.2.3. Show that 2 is irreducible in Z[√−5].