CH 8 - Audit & CG Audit Flashcards
Define Audit
Audit is an independent and systematic examination of the financial statements and non financial disclosures of to ensure tat they provide a true and fair view of the affairs of the company.
Name the Audits applicable under companies act 2013
Statutory Audit
Internal Audit
Secretarial Audit
Cost Audit
Classification of audits and its examples
Financial and Compliance
Financial - Stat, cost, internal
Compliance - Sec, cyber, compliance gov, labor, systems, CSR, takeover
What is corporate governance audit ?
It is the audit of the Corp gov activities and processes undertaken in the company
What is corporate governance ?
It is a set of strategic activities undertaken to ensure that an organisation practices
* Accountability
* Transparency
* Integrity
* Fairness &
* Ethical conduct
in every aspect of its business
What is the need of corporate gov audit?
Benefits of Corporate gov Audit.
- Recent increase in scams and scandals
- stakeholders assurance - req Corp gov activities are undertaken
- Monitoring device - on the functioning of BOD and management
- Effective check - supervisory, control and directory layers of the org.
Who is in charge of Corp gov audit ?
Audit committee and Auditor
what is the scope of Corp gov Audit ?
- transparency - disclosures and reporting
- Disclosures - Fin and Non fin
- BOD - composition, mix, independence
- Risk mgt
- Stakeholders int & rights
- Control environment.
Sec governing Audit committee (AuC) in COA 2013
LODR Regulation number wrt to Audit committee (AuC) ?
Applicability of Audit com.
- Every listed company
- Public Co -
a) PSC - 10 cr or more
b) T/o - 100 cr or more
c) O/s Debentures, loans, Deposits - 50 cr or more (aggregate)
Min No of directors under in AuC ?
Independent directors in AuC ?
**as per COA 2013 - Majority
as per LODR reg - 2/3 of the total (in case of o/s SR eq sh - ALL)
Financial Literacy (Read and understand financial statements) in AuC
as per COA 2013 - Majority + Chairperson
as per LODR reg - ALL
what are the additional Req for AuC under LODR reg ?
- Financial Expert - at least 1
- CS of Co = CS of Comm
- Chairperson to be present at AGM to answer to shareholder’s queries.
- Authority to invite executives to be present at meeting of AuC.