Ch. 8 Flashcards
creative brief
provides direction for the execution of the Big Idea and for the evaluation of the creative strategy
Effective advertising is..
both an art in its creativity and a science in its strategy
message plan
is a rational analysis of a problem and what’s needed to solve that problem
media and message must..
work together to create effective advertising
creative director
manages the creative process and plays an important role in focusing the strategy of ads and making sure the creative concept is strategically on target.
ad agencies represent
“think tank”, to inspire creativity and research into creative thinking
agencies are natural incubators for the three P’s : place, person, and process
creative strategy …
solves problems, and problem solving demands creative thinking. Both Big Ideas and big Plans call for creative thinking
- Has to be both creative and strategic
ex: Launch of the iPod - the creativity begins with the look of the product, works, and feels. - This all happened before the agency got involved to promote
creative brief
(creative platform, worksheet, or blueprint) is the document prepared by the account planner to summarize the basic ,marketing and advertising strategy.
- gives direction to creative team members as they search for a creative concept, or Big Idea.
- EX: of a creative brief
- Why are we advertising at all?
- What is the message trying to do
- What are their current attitudes and perceptions
- What is the main promise we need to communicate
- What is the key moment to which we tie this message
creative strategy or message strategy
what the advertisement says
is how it is said
typical brief
- problem that can be solved by communication
-target audience and key insights into their attitudes and behavior
-brand position and other branding decisions, such as personally and image
communication objectives that specify the desired response to the message by the target audience
-proposition or selling idea that will motivate the target to respond
-media considerations about where and when the message should be delivered
-creative direction that provides suggestions on how to stimulate the desired consumer response
tone of voice
Touch on such execution or stylistic direction
Facet Model of Effects (Message Objectives)
see/hear feel think/understand connect believe act/do
create attention, awareness, interest, and recognition
touch emotions and create feelings
deliver information, aid understanding, and create recall
establish brand identity and associations and transform a product into a brand with distinctive personality and image
change attitudes, create conviction and preference and stimulate trust
stimulate trial, purchase, repurchase, or some other form of action, such as visiting a store or website
EX: the road crew campaign had to ..
awareness, attitudes, and behavior
targeting with road crew example
the 21 to 34 year old single men with. high school education and blue collard jobs… these are the ones that needed to be targeted for ride service
brand position and brand images
are created through message strategies and brought to life through advertising execution
ex: “think small” VW Beetle - position itself in the automobile market and created a powerful brand
brand communication
creates symbols and cues that make brands distinctive, such as characters, colors, slogans, and tagline
ex: the geico from Gecko,
the Mr.clean
that is the brand is visible and has a presence in the market place, consumers are aware of it and the brand is important to its target market
top of mind awareness
another objective for branding and positioning campaigns is to create trust
message design
planners search for the best message design - the approach that makes the most sense given the brand’s marketing situation and the target audience needs and interests —– this is not graphics but rather problem solving
head and heart
the cognitive objectives generally speak to the head and the affective objectives are more likely to speak to the heart
hard sell
an informational message that is designed to touch the mind and create a response based on logic
assumption: the target audience wants information and will make a rational product decision
soft sell
emotional appeals or images to create a response based on attitudes, moods, and feelings
assumption: the target audience has little interest in a n information search and will respond more favorably to a message that touches their emotions or presents an attractive brand image
ex: a NAPA auto-parts commercial with a dog — selling a hard product with an emotion twist
ex: high emotion - texting a n driving ad
Fraziers six creative strategies
preemptive, unique selling proposition, brand image, positioning, resonance, affective/anomalous
ex: of preemptive
coffee wars between mcdonalds and starbucks
transmission view
the more rational “head” strategies and the ritual view, which is similar to the more feeling based heart strategies
lecture and dramas
most ads use the combination of two basic literary techniques to reach the head or the heart of the consumer, lectures and dramas
- lecture- verbal or visual instruction (effective because you can use a “talking head” like a spokesperson or celeb to give out the main points)
- drama-viewer makes inferences about the brand (ex: dominos pizza sucking - created drama) - or fairtales or myths,
psychological appeal
of the product to the consumers is also used to describe a message that speaks to attitudes as well as the heart
appeal- connects with some emotion that makes the product particularly attractive
ex: if the price is emphasized in the ad, then the appeal is the economy, value, or savings
-zoom in to a quicker bar = mouth watering appeal
selling premises
states the logic behind the sales offer
premise- in which an argument is based or a conclusion is drawn
must identify features or attributes of product
-claim - products benefits ex: nuts of blue diamond “super food and protien “
prospect-centered selling premises detoxifies a REASON that might appeal to potential customers…
benefit, promise, reason why, and unique selling proposition
substation - need to provide proof and also
needed to make a claim believe is support
straightforward message
is factual or informational, conveys information without any gimmicks, emotion, or special effect
how to use the product or what it can do for you
kellogs cereal - use cereal Bowls
contrast two or more product to show the supercity
problem solution message
the product is a hero
useful creative strategy or comedian
spokesperson or endorser
celebs - bring trust and believability into the brand
mystery ads that dont identify the product or dont deliver enough information to make sense, but are designed to arise coursity
E score and Q score
e score- a system of rating for celebrities, athletes and other news makers that measure their appeal
q score - measure of the familiarity of the celebrity as well as a company or brand
messages that get attention
ex: super cuts - expired meter ad
has to get exposure through the media buy and get attention thought message
messages that create interest
getting attention reflect the stopping power of an advertisement, keeping the attention reflect the ads PULLING POWER.
ex: open an ad with a question
messages that resonate
amplify the emotional impact of a message by engaging a consumer in a personal connection with a brand are said to resonate with the target audience
messages that create believably
gives the ad credibility and believably
ex: spokesperson
messages that are rembered
messages have to stop, pull, and stick
ex: smokey the bear campaign
ways marketers do this :
slogans, taglines, jingles
messages that touch Emotion
feeling based responses : love, fear, anxiety, and envy, sex attraction
ex: appetite - mouthwatering craving - get the ad with the zoomed in image - buy product
messages that inform
companies provide new information on products and even lead consumers to know about new uses for old products
messages that teach
people learn though instruction, ads on demos
ex: brush your teeth
messages that persuade
affect attitudes and create belief
testimonials and messages that generate word of mouth about the product
endorsements - celebs
conviction - before and after
permission to believe a claim or selling premise
messages that create brand associations
brand takes on a distinctive character and meaning
image advertising - rep a band , create that image in the consumers mind
messages that drive action
drive people to act by offering something free or at a discounted price
call to action
reminder advertising - keep brand name in front of consumers - ex: coupons or loyalty program
when advertising gives consumers permission to believe in a product,
it establishes the platform for conviction
can be defined as generating novelty and uniqueness that makes something ring true
big ideas are…
creative concepts
idea- concept in the mind
concerting - refer to the process of coming up with a new idea
generic and non original ideas
ex: hospital ads
big ideas
they are risky because they are by definition new, unexpected and untested
ex: of good big ideas - smokey and the bear, nike - just do it
ROI of creativity
Relevant, Original, Impact
R- the target audience
0-new and fresh - Got Milk
I-impression on the audience-breakthrough ad - stopping power and that comes from an intriguing idea
copycat advertising
using an idea that someone else has originated
divergent thinking
used to describe a style of thinking that jumps around exploring multiple possibilities rather than using rational thinking to arrive at the right or logical conclusion
right brain thinking
another term for divergent thinking - intuitive, holistic, artistic, and emotionally expressive
left brain thinking
logical, linear, and orderly
creative thinking
1- think about the problem as something that involves a mind shift - out of the box
2-strategy language behind you - creative leap - creative risk
tire company “because so much is riding on your tires”
break through ad
has stopping power that comes from an intriguing idea
to get a creative idea..
you must leap beyond the mundane, formal business language of the strategy statement and see the problem in a novel and unexpected way
emotional high
getting a great advertising idea that is also on strategy
characteristics of creative people
problem solving, playful, the ability to visualize, open to new experiences, conceptual thinking
creative process to get an idea
step 1: immersion step 2: ideation 3: Brainfog 4:Incubation 5:Illumination 6:Evaluation
creative aerobics
- facts
- new names
- similarities
- new definitions
6 - 10 people come up with ideas
has to be positive and no judgment
ex: what if, an unexpected association, twist the obvious, exaggeration
ex: the look alike, the tasteless
managing creative strategies
extension - an idea with legs (generative)
adaptation - taking an idea global
evaluation - go/no go decision
structural analysis
1 - evaluate the power of the narrative or the story line (heart)
2- evaluate the strength of the product claim (head)
3- consider how well the two are integrated - that is how the story line brings the claim to life
copy testing
formal method to evaluate the effectiveness of an ad, either in draft form or after int has been executed
vampire creativity
means the creative storyline overpowers the brand message
“get met, it pays” -metlife, “just do it” - nike
“nothing outlast the energizer. it keeps going and going and going”