CH. 7 vocab Flashcards
domination by one country of the political, economic, or
cultural life of another country or region. A broader concept that includes a variety of ways of influencing another
country or group of people by direct conquest, economic
control, or cultural dominance.
A particular type of imperialism in which people move into
and settle on the land of another country
the belief that non-living objects, such as rivers or mountains, have a spirit.
native speakers
those who use the language learned from birth
Lingua Franca
a common language used by people who do not share the
same native language
a common language used by people who do not share the
same native language
Pidgin Language
A simplified mixture of two languages. Has fewer grammar
rules and a smaller vocabulary than either language but is
not the native language of either group
Creole Language
a language that began as a pidgin language but was later
adopted as the mother tongue by a people in a place of
the mother tongue
Social Constructs
Ideas, concepts, or perceptions that have been created
and accepted by people in a society or social group and
are not created by nature.
Time-space convergence
The greater interconnection between places that results
from improvements in transportation.
Cultural Divergence
the idea that a culture may change over time as the elements of distance, time, physical separation, and modern
technology create divisions and changes
. Cultural Convergence
cultures are becoming similar to each other and sharing
more cultural traits, ideas, and beliefs
Scientists who study languages, have differing theories
as to when humans first began communicating through
spoken sounds
Language tree
the relationship among language families are often shown
to that of a tree
. Indo-European
Language Family
a large group of languages that might have descended
from a language spoken around 6,000 years ago
Romance Languages
The unifying language of Latin diverged into dozens of
distinct regional languages
The boundaries between variations in pronunciations or
word usage.
Regional variations of a language
sayings that attempt to express a truth about life
The names of places. Can provide insights into the physical geography, the history, or the cultures of a location or region.
Official Language
The language adopted for use by the government for the
conduct of business and publication of documents
made up largely of ethnically similar people.
believers, followers
Ethnic religions
belief traditions that emphasize strong cultural characteristics among their followers
Universal religion
actively seeks converts to its faith regardless of their ethnic
A religion and philosophy developed in ancient India, characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being who takes many forms. Ethnic religion, worship of many
Belief in many gods
Belief in one God
the idea that behaviors have consequences in the present
life or a future life
Caste system
a rigid class structure that shaped Indian society
the teaching of Buddha that life is permeated with suffering
caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct
and wisdom and meditation releases one from desire and
suffering and rebirth
the doctrines of a monotheistic religion founded in northern India in the 16th century by Guru Nanak and combining elements of Hinduism and Islam. A relatively new
universalizing monotheistic faith.
Sikh place of worship
the monotheistic religion of the Jews
A monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on
the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior. Son of god.
the religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded
as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah
a religious journey to a sacred place as a sign of devotion
and in search of transformation and enlightenment
making people of different places more alike
An ethnic or immigrant group moving to a new area adopts
the values and practices of the larger group that has
received them, while still maintaining valuable elements of
their own culture.
Ethnic group can no longer be distinguished from the
receiving group.
The fusion or blending of two distinctive cultural traits into
a unique new hybrid trait.
a form of syncretism that involves the creation of products
or services for the global market by adapting them to local
Anti-immigrant attitudes may form among the cultural majority, sometimes bring violence or government action
against the immigrant or minority group.