Ch. 7 Physical and cognitive Development In Early Childhood Flashcards
What is the corpus callosum?
The membrane that connects the right and left hemispheres of the cerebral cortex
What is lateralization?
The process through which brain functions are divided between the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex
What is the hippocampus?
A brain structure that is important in learning
What is handedness?
A strong preference for using one hand or the other that develops between 3 and 5 years of age
What is child abuse?
Defined as physical or psychological injury that results from an adults intentional exposure of a child to potentially harmful physical stimuli, sexual acts, or neglect
What is neglect?
The failure of a caregiver to provide emotional and physical support for a child
What is semiotic (symbolic) function?
The understanding that one object or behavior can represent another
Explain Piagets pre-operational stage?
Second stage of cognitive development where children become proficient in the use of symbols in thinking and communicating but still have difficulty thinking logically
Explain the Piaget’s idea of egocentrism?
The young child’s belief that everyone sees and experiences the world the way she/he does
Explain the idea of centration?
The young child’s tendency to think of the world in terms of one variable at a time
Explain the idea of conservation?
The understanding that matter can change in appearance without changing in quality
What is the theory of mind?
A set of ideas constructed by a child or adult to explain other people’s ideas, beliefs, desires, and behavior
What is the false-belief principle?
An understanding that enables a child to look at a situation from another persons point of view and determine what kind of information will cause that person to have a false belief
What is the short-term storage space who came up with it?
Neo-piagetian theorist Robbie Case’s term for the working memory
What is operational efficiency?
A neo-Piagetian term that refers to the maximum number of schemes that can be processed in working memory at one time
What is metamemory?
Knowledge about how memory works and the ability to control and reflect on ones own memory function
What is metacognition?
Knowledge about how the mind thinks and the ability to control and reflect on ones own thought processes
What is fast-mapping?
The ability to categorically link new words to real-world referents
Explain grammar explosion
The period during when the grammatical features of children’s speech become more similar to those of adult speech
Explain phonological awareness
Children’s understanding of the sound patterns of the language they are acquiring
Explain invented spelling
A strategy young children with good phonological awareness skills use when they write
Explain IQ what is the ratio for it?
The ratio of mental age to chronological age; also a general term for any kind of score derived from an intelligence test