CH 7-other senses Flashcards
organization of sensory areas of cortex (audition)
primary-receive input from thalamus
secondary-receives input from primary
association-receives input from multiple primary sensory systems, but primarily from secondary system
-characterized by hierarchical organization, functional segregation and parallel processing
hierarchical organization (audition)
ranked-neurons respond to stimuli of greater specificity (receptors, thalamic relay, primary sensory cortex, secondary, association)
organized by functional complexity (from simple to complex and from general to specific)
-each level receives input from lower levels, adds new layer of analysis and then passes up
-damage in lower levels leads to loss of function
-damage in upper levels leads to specific sensory deficits (agnosias), which are really problems of perception (interpretation of stimuli, as opposed to detection)
functional segregation
primary, secondary, association cortices not functionally homogeneous (do not act together to perceive sensation, each performs a different level of analysis)
-just like in vision, we have the M path and the P path
parallel processing
is signal is analysed in different ways simultaneously by multiple parallel pathways of neural networks
-two types of parallel streams; one that influences behaviour w/o conscious awareness, another that engages conscious awareness
binding problem
- no one area receives all sensory input from a sensory system
- all perceptions must be a product of combined activity of interconnected areas
- the claustrum is a thin sheet of neurons under the neocortex, at the top of the sensory hierarchy that receives signals from all lower sensory areas and must be forming perceptions
thin sheet of neurons under the neocortex, at the top of the sensory hierarchy that receives signals from all lower sensory areas and must be forming perceptions
-vibration of air molecules
-stimulus for auditory system -recorded in waves and measured in Hz (cycles/sec)
-humans can hear 20-20,000 Hz
pure tone
do not exist naturally, only machine produced
- simple sine waves
- close relationship btw tone and pitch
- humans have a hard time localizing pure tones and they’re generally really uncomfortable
complex sound waves and fourier analysis
- sounds in nature almost always associated w complex patterns and vibrations
- theory that auditory system performs fourier analysis, a mathematical breakdown of complex waves into component sine waves of diff frequencies/amplitudes
outer ear
auditory canal, tympanic membrane, ossicles
-sound waves travel down auditory canal, causing tympanic membrane to vibrate, which in turn pushes on malleus, then incus, then stapes, which triggers vibrations in the oval window
inner ear
transfers vibrations from oval window to endolymph of cochlea (long, coiled tube w internal membrane (organ of corti, the auditory receptor organ))
-pressure change in the oval window travels along organ of corti as a wave
organ of corti
- inside the cochlea
- composed of 2 membranes; basilar, in which hair cells are mounted, and tectorial, which rests on the hair cells
- movement of tectorial membrane shear hair cells, stimulating the and triggering aps in auditory nerve
- round window allows vibrations to dissipate
- diff components of complex sound act in diff locations
- has tonotopic map
fluid surrounding hair cells
-rich in K+, creating an ionic imbalance maintained by tight junctions btw hair cells, and eliminating the need for Na/K+ pumps
hair cells
- sense mvmt in surrounding fluid
- tips of cell called cilia, that increase in length along consistent axis
- stimulated mechanically (transduce mechanical energy into neural impulse)
- connected by tip links; from one cilia to the cation channel of a neighbour
- tectorial membrane mvmt causes talles one to move, pulling open the K+ channel on the next one and so on (motion in the opposite direction will quiet the cell!)
- > K+ influx, opens voltage gate Ca channels, leading to NT release from basilar haircell and synapse onto auditory nerve
ear to primary auditory cortex
multiple networks of auditory pathways (different from vision)
-axons of each auditory nerve synapse onto ipsilateral cochlear nuclei in brainstem
-left and right superior olives receive these signals from each ear and project to inferior colliculi via lateral meniscus
-combined input is then passed onto medial geniculate nucleus (MGN) and then A1 in the temporal lobe
(so A1 in each hemisphere ultimately receives info from BOTH ears)
sound localization
if sound originates on left, it will be loudest in and reach the left ear first
- this is processed in the superior olives
- lateral superior olives respond to differences in amplitude while medial superior olives respond to the difference in timing btw two inputs
- olives project to retinotopic map in superior colliculi to show is where sounds come from in visual space
outer hair cells
essentially control the tightness of the tectorial membrane
-thought to be controlled by top-down process (when you are listening real hard for your phone ringer to find it, the membrane will be tightened over the frequencies of interest and loosened elsewhere)
auditory cortex
- located in temporal lobe
- receives input from medial geniculate nucleus (MGN)
- poorly understood bc labs always use pure tones for testing
- does have tonotopic map, but we don’t know what features of a frequency it cares about
- thought to be really important for communication (area responds to sign language in deaf indv)
- contains A1 and A2
- A1 harder to damage bc its at the core
- A2 has more complex, varied responses than A1
- organized into functional columns (vertical neurons respond to the same frequency)
auditory association cortex
A2 is scattered into 2 different streams
- anterior or ‘what’ pathway is in the prefrontal cortex and inferotemporal cortex, and identifies sounds
- posterior or ‘where’ pathway is in the posterior parietal cortex; it locates sounds and prepares for action
- note that the ppc also processes visual info
auditory cortex damage
rare, especially in A1, and usually caused by a stroke; often damage extends to other areas too though
-rarely severe permanent deficits (may lose ability to localize or discriminate frequencies, but hearing generally recovers w/in a few weeks), meaning subcortical levels must be doing a lot
- total deafness is rare
- generally results from damage to inner/middle ear or exiting nerves
- two main types: conductive (originate from ossicles) and nerve (loss of hair cells from age or other damage)
- cochlear implant can bypass hair cell damage by directly exciting the auditory nerve, but will not restore hearing fully, and also has best outcome when implanted early on
- can occur in normal hearing, common following hearing loss and with aging
- persists despite auditory nerve being cut, which suggests it must be the product of central processing and not aberrant inputs
somatosensation (touch and pain)
broken down into 3 subsystems: exteroreceptive (senses external stimuli applied to skin), proprioceptive (monitors position of body through receptors in muscles, joints, organs of balance) and interoceptive (general info on bodily conditions such as temp, blood pressure)
cutaneous receptors
- embedded in skin, stimuli deform or change chemistry of the receptor to change ion permeability (mechanical transduction)
- each receptor type contributes to multiple sensations
- free nerve endings, Pacinian corpuscles, and merkels disks and ruffini ending
free nerve endings
simplest cutaneous receptors, no specialized structure
- just beneath skin
- multimodal (activate in response to pain or thermal stim, intensity of activity is interpreted by the brain)
Pacinian corpuscles
mechano cutaneous receptors, ‘deep’ in the skin
-sense sudden skin displacements and only fire early on (do not sense/respond to constant pressure)
merkels disks and ruffini endings
superficial mechanoreceptors
-sense gradual change and maintain activity as long as stimulus is maintained
(merkel disks respond to gradual skin indentation, ruffini responds to gradual skin stretch)
identify objects by touch w/o visual input by interpreting change of pressure across hand as the object is moved
-relies on rapidly adapting cells (that respond quickly)
- sections of skin that correspond to where they enervate the spinal cord, where their afferent sensory inputs go
- everywhere below the damaged area spinal cord will lose sensation, can assess with dermatomes
- there is some overlap in the spinal sections though!
maj somatosensory pathways
dorsal column medial lemniscus: tends to cary touch and proprioception (where the body is in space)
anterolateral system: tends to carry temp and pain
-some overlap btw pathways, so lesions to one do not abolish sense
dorsal column medial lemniscus pathway
- input fr cutaneous receptors enters dorsal horn of spinal cord, carried to first synapse at medulla, then decussate, ascending in the contralateral medial lemniscus to the ventral posterior thalamus
- most neurons then project to S1 and eventually S2 in the anterior parietal lobe (though some parallel processing sends info from thal directly to S2)
anterolateral system
-pain oriented
sensory dorsal neurons synapse as soon as they enter the spinal cord, decussate, and then continue up through 3 diff tracts; directly to the ventral posterior thalamus (spinothalamic), or stopping over at the reticular formation (spinoreticular), or tectum/colliculi (spinotectal) first
-trigeminal nerve carries in pain/temp info from face
-pain and temp info reaching thalamus is sent to S1 and S2
effect of thalamic lesions on sensory system
ventral posterior lesion-no effects on chronic pain, but loss of sensation of touch, sharp pain
intralaminar/parafasicular-receive info from spinoreticular tract; reduce deep chronic pain but no effect on cutaneous sensitivity
somatosensory cortex
- postcentral gyrus
- organized somatotopically (somatosensory homunculus!)
columnar organization in S1
- columns have receptive fields on the same part of the body
- fields are smaller for body parts w finest tactile discrimination
- response most robust to same type of tactile stimulation
- centre-surround type cells (neurons silence when touch inhibitory area and fires when excitatory area touched)
- each column composed of 4 functional strips, representing touch, pressure, heat, pain
- as we most posterior, responses become more specific and complex
-somatotopically organized
extends into lateral fissure
-receives input from both sides of the body
-output from both S1 and S2 goes to association cortex in the posterior parietal lobe
somatosensory processing streams
dorsal (where): S1, posterior parietal cortex
-multisensory integration, direction attention (further projections to frontal cortex)
ventral (what): S1, S2
-perception of objects by shape (stereognosis), consolidating inputs
damage to somatosensory cortex
often mild effects because there are numerous pathways
loss of S1 can lead to issues with stereognosis, sensing light touch
-see bilateral deficiencies only when parts of S2 are also lesioned
somatosensory association cortex
posterior parietal cortex
-has bimodal neurons that can respond to activation of 2 diff sensory systems (ex vision and touch) with spatially related receptive fields
inability to recognize objects by touch
-rare, requires drastic damage to S1, S2 or ventral posterior thalamus
failure to recognize ones own body parts
- usually unilateral, esp left side, and associated with damage to right posterior parietal lobe
- often comes hand in hand w anosognosia (failure to recognize own symptoms)
anterior cingulate cortex
structure most commonly linked to pain, though likely involved in emotional reaction and behaviour adaptation to pain that to the stimuli itself
-when removed in prefrontal lobotomy, patients still feel pain but show no emotional reaction
descending pain control circuit
stimulate of periaqueductal gray results in analgesic effects
-releases endorphins which stimulate raphe nucleus, which project to dorsal column neurons and activate inhibitory interneurons in spinal cord, blocking incoming pain signals
chemical senses
taste and smell
- monitor chemical content in environment
- work together to produce flavour
- evaluate potential foods
smell: responds to airborne chemicals introduced to nasal passage receptors by inhalation
taste: responds to chemicals in solution in oral cavity
smell and taste act in concert during a meal
- also affected by temp, look, satiety, texture
- processed in association areas where taste and smell processing converge
influence physiology and behaviour, regulate social interactions, esp in other animals
in humans: olfactory system is greatest during ovulation/pregnancy, may be why menstrual cycles sync, can id gender by smell of breath/underarm sweat, men can judge stage of cycle by vagina odor, but no evidence that it rly plays into human sexual behaviour
olfactory system
- receptor cells embedded olfactory mucosa (mucus covered tissue) on upper part of nose; the receptors themselves ae in the dendrite which stick out into the nasal passage (which is open to air)
- axons pass through the cribriform plate (porous portion of the skull) and form the olfactory nerve, which projects to the olfactory bulb
- humans have ~350 types of receptors, while rats have like 1000
- odors identified by component processing
- receptor cells replaced every few weeks
clusters of neurons on the outer olfactory bulb
- receive the inputs from all receptors of the same type
- different odors produce diff spatial patterns of activity on bulb, but no real topic organization like we see in the other systems
olfactory bulb
projection to piriform cortex (technically o1, though not part of the neocortex), then to amygdala or to the thalamus (does NOT pass to thalamus first)
maj olfactory pathways
- limbic system (mediates emotional response to odors)
- medial dorsal nuclei of thalamus to orbitofrontal cortex (responsible for conscious perception of odors)
gustatory system
taste receptors (buds) on tongue and down oral cavity (lungs, throat, esophagus)
- cluster in groups of 50-100, made up of different receptor types
- only one neuron w/in the bud synapses onto the sensory nerve; the rest communicate via gap junction
- replaced every few weeks
5 tastes
- can’t possibly be perceived through component processing
- believed that umami, sweet and bitter are encoded through g protein coupled receptors, salty acts directly on ion channels, and sour is unclear
gustatory pathways
- gustatory afferent nerves leave mouth via cranial nerves (facial, vagus and glossopharyngeal) which all terminate in the solitary nucleus of the medulla
- info then projected to ventral posterior nucleus in the thalamus, then to g1 insula in lateral fissure , then to g2 (the association cortex in the orbitofrontal cortex)
- ALL projections are ipsilateral
broad and narrow tuning
broad tuning:
-each tastebud responds to range of tastes
-presynaptic cells integrate signals from all receptor cells in a tastebud
-insula has many neurons that respond to odor, texture, and temp in addition to taste
g2 (orbitofrontal cortex) responds to food pleasantness, will not fire if satiated
narrow tuning:
-each taste receptor responds to only one/a few tastes
- inability to smell
- a blow to the head will shear the olfactory nerves that pass through the cribriform plate
- may also see early smell deficits in some patients w neuropathologies (ad, downs, epilepsy, krsakoff, MS, parkinsons)
inability to taste
- rare as taste processing has so man pathways
- usually results from damage to the ear (which causes loss of taste in 2/3 of ipsilateral part of tongue) or facial nerve (which passes through inner ear)
selective attention
improves perception of stimuli in focus, ignores undesired stim
endogenous attention: top-down process coming from internal cognitive processes (ex. focusing on tabletop to look for keys)
exogenous attention: bottom-up process dictated by external event (ex focusing on table bc cat knocked over a glass of water)
neural mechanisms of attention
attention affects neural activity in visual association cortices
posterior parietal and prefrontal increase activity for brain areas relevant for processing tasks and decrease activity of areas that are irrelevant to the task
when presented faces, being asked to identify if it was the same person resulted in increased ventral stream activity, while being asked whether the person was standing in the same position w/in the frame increased dorsal stream activity
-anticipation of a stimulus increases neural activity in the same circuits affected by the stimulus itself
-spatial attention shifts the location of receptive fields
difficulty attending to more than one object at a time
- can identify objects individually, but not w/in the context of a scene
- caused by damage, typically bilateral, to dorsal stream in posterior parietal lobe, which is responsible for visually localizing objects