Ch. 7 Neoplasia Flashcards
derived from tooth forming tissues, composed of epithelium, mesenchyme, or both, most are benign, but rare malignant forms exist.
Odontogenic tumors
aggressive, slow growing, but benign, occurs in maxilla or mandible, but mostly by ramus or molar area in mandible, unencapsulated, infiltrates into the surrounding area. Multilocular, honeycomb, soap bubble appearance, blast, rises up along the border of ramus vs. OKC.
hard painless mass, benign, rare, derived from dental lamina, aka Pindborg tumor, unilocular, or multilocular, More often in mandible in bicuspid and molar area. Noticeable peaking in incidence in 40s, amyloid like material is seen with calcifications within deposits.
Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic tumor
encapsulated, benign, 70% occur in females under age of 20, 70% involve anterior portion of jaws, more common in maxilla, may be associated with impacted teeth, surrounded by connective tissue capsule.
Adenomatoid Odontogenic tumor
non aggressive, lined by odontogenic epithelium, mostly in individuals under age of 40, well defined, uni or multilocular, may have calcifications. Has characteristic ghost cell keratinization.
Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst
Epithelial Odontogenic tumors
- Ameloblastoma
- Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic tumor
- Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor
- Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst
Mesenchymal Odontogenic tumors
- Odontogenic Myxomas
- Central Cementifying and Ossifying fibromas
- Benign Cementoblastoma
benign, nonencapsulated, infiltrating, between 10-29 years of age, multilocular with poorly defined margins, may be large and displace teeth, mostly in mandible, **Sunburst pattern! Surgical excision may recur.
Odontogenic Myxoma
benign, well circumscribed, occurs in third and fourth decades, mostly females, 90% occur in mandible, causes facial asymmetry, varies from radiolucent to radiopaque depending on amount of calcifications, composed of fibrous connective tissue and calcifications. Can become peripheral ossifying fibroma- on gingiva or alveolar bone, or central ossifying fibroma-causes facial asymmetry.
Central cementifying and ossifying fibromas
radiopaque well defined mass with surrounding radiolucent halo including roots, teeth are vital, painful, localized mainly in molar area of mandible, enucleation of tumor and removal of involved tooth, does not recur.
Benign Cementoblastoma
Mixed tumors
- Ameloblastic fibroma
- Compound odontoma
- Complex odontoma
- Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma
rare, benign, nonencapsulated, young children and young adults, mostly males,
Ameloblastic fibroma
mass resembles a tooth, located in anterior maxilla
Compound odontoma
mass does not resemble a tooth, located in posterior mandible. Both can occur over an unerupted tooth.
Complex odontoma
Composed of ameloblastoma-like epithelium, mesenchyme, and odontoma, occurs during tooth development exclusively, under 20 years of age in posterior mandible.
Ameloblastic fibroma
reactive lesion, arises from chronic irritation, begins as pink papule to nodules, one of most common oral lesions, buccal mucosa, labial mucosa,
Irritation fibroma
can displace a tooth, most likely developed from inflammatory hyperplasia of periodontal ligament cells, usually anterior maxilla in females in their 20s.
Peripheral ossifying fibroma
dome shaped swelling, mostly in interdental papilla, anterior to molars, originates from PDL, most common in females, often occurs in young individuals.
Peripheral odontogenic tumors
most common soft tissue tumor, blunt force trauma precedes its development usually, excision, unlikely to recur, malignant form is liposarcoma, rare in oral cavity, excise, tendency to recur, each recurrence, prognosis becomes less favorable outcome. Most commonly occurs on buccal mucosa or vestibule.
large cells with granular cytoplasm, occurs in mesenchymal cells, on tongue
Granular cell tumor
composed of cells resembling those in granular cell tumors but occurs on anterior maxillary gingiva, can be sessile or pedunculated
Congenital Epulis
soft, aka gingival cyst or epstein pearls,
Dental lamina cyst
Most common head and neck malignant soft tissue tumor in children
Neoplasm occurs most commonly in buccal mucosa or vestibule
Tumor associated with von recklinghausen disease
infrequent, arises from smooth muscle, male adults, on hard and soft palate, buccal mucosa, lip, and tongue.
most common malignant soft tissue tumor of head and neck in children, males, poor prognosis, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, etc
benign proliferation of capillaries, if small called capillary hemangioma aka strawberry nevus, (contains numerous small capillaries, raised, red, lumpy, area of flesh anywhere in the body), Cavernous hemangioma (contains larger blood vessels). Present at birth, more common in females, may undergo spontaneous remission, can be treated with surgery or injection of sclerosing solution.
benign proliferation of capillaries, if small called capillary hemangioma aka strawberry nevus, (contains numerous small capillaries, raised, red, lumpy, area of flesh anywhere in the body), Cavernous hemangioma (contains larger blood vessels). Present at birth, more common in females, may undergo spontaneous remission, can be treated with surgery or injection of sclerosing solution.
Hemangioma (congenital)
pebbly, most commonly located at tip of tongue, dilated lymph vessels.
Lymphangioma (congenital)
smooth, grey, spontaneously bleeds to touch. malignant vascular tumor
2nd most common aids related neoplasm, once rare now, may arise in multiple sites due to HIV/AIDS, including skin and oral mucosa, more aggressive form with HIV, lesions are red/purple macules, plaques, or exophytic tumors. Malignant vascular tumor
Kaposi sarcoma
aka mole, tan to brown macules or papules, mostly on hard palate and buccal mucosa, occurs more often in females, identified in childhood, and increase in numbers in individuals between 20-50 years of age. Benign, may transform to malignancy, if unknown cause, duration, or recent onset, treated with biopsy, excision, and recurrence is rare.
Melanocytic nevi