Ch. 7 Linear Mappings Flashcards
Definition of a linear map
The linear map T:V –> W is linear if:
i) for all u and v in V, T(u + v) = T(u) + T(v
(ii) for all v in V and all λ in R T(λv) = λT(v)
How to compose 2 linear maps S and T
Find the 2 matrices of the maps T(x) = Ax and S(y) =By
(S o T)x = (BA)x
Definition of isomorphic
If T: V –> W be a bijective linear map of real vector spaces. Then V and W are isomorphic
Image of the linear map T : V –> W
im(T) = {w ϵ W | there exists v ϵ V s.t w = T(v)}
Kernal of the linear map T : V –> W
ker(T) = {v ϵ V | T(v) = 0}
Rank of the linear map T : V –> W
rk(T) = dim(im(T))
Nullity of the linear map T : V –> W
n(T) = dim(ker(T))
Suppose the linear map T is given by matrix A with respect to the standard basis
How to find the matrix A with respect to a basis
Put the basis in a matrix P, find the inverse
The required matrix B = P^-1AP
Suppose the linear map T is given by matrix A with respect to the standard basis
How to find the matrix A with respect to 2 bases
Put both the bases in matrices P and Q (decide P and Q based on dimensions)
Find the inverse of Q
The required matrix B = Q^-1AP
Given a linear transformation eg T : R^3 –> R^3
How to find the matrix which represents T with respect to both copies of R^3
Find T(e1), T(e2), T(e3) and put them in a matrix