Ch 7 - Life Span - Review Flashcards
Neonate Vitals
PR 100-180; RR 30-60; Systolic BP 50-70; Temp 98-100
Infant Vitals
PR 100-160; RR 25-50; Systolic BP 70-95; Temp 96.8-99.6
Toddler Vitals
PR 90-150; RR 20-30; Systolic BP 80-100; Temp 96.8-99.6
Preschool Vitals
PR 80-140; RR 20-25; Systolic BP 80-100; Temp 98.6
School Age Vitals
PR 70-120; RR 15-20; Systolic BP 80-110; Temp 98.6
Adolescent Vitals
PR 60-100; RR 12-20; Systolic BP 90-110; Temp 98.6
Early Adult Vitals
PR 60-100; RR 12-20; Systolic BP 90-130; Temp 98.6
Middle Adult
PR 60-100; RR 12-20; Systolic BP 90-130; Temp 98.6
Older Adult
PR 60-100; RR 12-20; Systolic BP 90-130; Temp 98.6
Noticable Characteristics 2 Months
Recognizes familiar faces; uses eyes to track objects and people
Noticable Characteristics 3 Months
Brings objects to the mouth; smiles and frowns
Noticable Characteristics 4 Months
Reaches arms out to people; drools
Noticable Characteristics 5 Months
Sleeps throughout the night; distinguishes family members from strangers
Noticable Characteristics 6 Months
Begins teething; sits upright; speaks one-syllable words
Noticable Characteristics 7 Months
Afraid of strangers; displays mood swings
Noticable Characteristics 8 Months
Responds to “no”; can sit alone; plays peek-a-boo
Noticable Characteristics 9 Months
Pulls self up to stand; explores objects by placing them in his or her mouth
Noticable Characteristics 10 Months
Responds to his or her name; crawls efficiently
Noticable Characteristics 11 Months
Begins to walk without assistance; becomes frustrated by restrictions
Noticable Characteristics 12 Months
Knows his or her name; walks
Weight Changes Neonate/Infant
Neonate weighs 6 to 8 lb (3 to 3.5 kg) at birth. The head accounts for 25% of body weight. Growth of about 1 oz per day. Doubles their weight by 4 to 6 months. Weight triples by the end of the first year
Cardio Changes Nonate/Infant
At birth, neonate makes transition from fetal to independent circulation.
Pulmanary Changes Neonate/Infant
a. Prior to birth, a neonate’s lungs have never been inflated.
b. First breath is facilitated in part by the chest’s passage through the birth canal and increase in intrathoracic pressure.
c. Infants younger than 6 months are particularly prone to nasal congestion.
d. Infants have proportionately larger tongues and proportionally shorter, narrower airways, so airway obstruction is more common in infants.
e. The rib cage is less rigid and the ribs sit horizontally.
f. For bag-mask ventilation, remember that an infant’s lungs are fragile.
i. Forceful ventilations can result in trauma from pressure, or barotrauma.
g. Respiratory muscles are immature and there are fewer alveoli in the lungs.
i. Respiratory problems can quickly become life threatening.
Nervous Sys Changes Neonate/Infant
Evolution continues after birth.
Moro reflex: neonate opens arms wide, spreads fingers, and seems to grab at things.
Palmar grasp: occurs when an object is placed into the neonate’s palm
Rooting reflex: neonate instinctively turns head when something touches its cheek.
Sucking reflex: occurs when a neonate’s lips are stroked i. The posterior fontanelle fuses by 3 months.
ii. The anterior fontanelle fuses between 9 and 18 months of age.
iii. A depressed fontanelle may indicate dehydration.
iv. A bulging fontanelle is indicative of increased intracranial pressure. 2 months of age: tracking objects with their eyes and recognize familiar faces
6 months of age: sitting upright and babbling
12 months of age: walking with minimal assistance
Immune Sys Changes Neonate/Infant
Maintains some of the mother’s immunities
Infants can also receive antibodies via breastfeeding.
Psycho Social Changes Neonate/Infant
Crying is the main method of communicating distress.
Infants develop relationships with their parents or caregivers at different rates. 3. Bonding is based on a secure attachment.
a. Anxious-avoidant attachment is found in infants who are repeatedly rejected.
b. Children show little emotional response to their parents or caregivers and treat them as they would strangers.
4. Separation anxiety is common in older infants.
5. Trust and mistrust refers to a stage of development from birth to about 18 months, which involves an infant’s needs being met by his or her parents or caregivers.
Physical Changes in Toddlers/Preschoolers
- The cardiovascular system of a toddler (1 to 3 years) or preschooler (4 to 6 years) is not dramatically different from an adult. 2. Toddlers and preschoolers do not have well-developed lung musculature and are unable to sustain deep or rapid respirations for an extended period of time.
- Weight gain should level off.
- The loss of passive immunity is one of the most impactful physiologic change at this stage of human life.
- Neuromuscular growth makes considerable progress at this age.
- Toilet training is usually completed around 28 months of age.
Psycho Social Changes in Toddlers/Preschoolers
- The psychosocial challenge for this age group is sometimes referred to as autonomy versus shame and doubt.
- At 36 months of age, basic language is mastered.
3. Interaction and playing games with other children begin.
4. By 18 to 24 months, cause and effect begin to become understood.
5. Children learn to recognize gender differences by observing role models.
- At 36 months of age, basic language is mastered.
Physical Changes in School Age Children
Growth of 4 lb and 2.5 inches each year
Permanent teeth come in.
Brain activity increases in both hemispheres.
Psycho Social Changes in School Age Children
Preconventional reasoning: children act to avoid punishment and get what they want.
Conventional reasoning: children look for approval from peers and society.
Postconventional reasoning: children make decisions guided by their conscience.
Self-concept and self-esteem develop.
Physical Changes in Adolescents
- Adolescents experience a 2- to 3-year growth spurt (an increase in muscle and bone growth) and body changes.
a. Girls generally finish their growth spurt by 16 years and boys by 18 years. - The endocrine and reproductive system matures, and secondary sexual development takes place
a. Pubic hair and axillary hair begin to appear.
b. Voices start to change. b. acne can appear
c. Menstruation begins.
Pyscho Social Changes in Adolescents
- Adolescents and their families often deal with conflict as adolescents try to gain control of their lives from their parents.
a. Privacy becomes an issue.
b. Self-consciousness increases.
2. Adolescents may struggle to create their own identity.
a. Multiple options for gender exist
b. Many are fixated on their public image
3. They often want to be treated like adults yet cared for like younger children. 4. Antisocial behavior and peer pressure tend to peak at age 14 to 16 years.
a. Smoking, illicit drug use, and unprotected sex are problems that may arise.
b. Eating disorders can arise in adolescents from an attempt to gain self-control through what they eat. - A code of personal ethics develops, based partly on parents’ ethics and values and partly by their peers and personal experience.
- Adolescents have a high risk for suicide and depression.
Changes in Early Adults
- From age 19 years to shortly after 25 years, the body should be functioning at its optimal level.
a. Lifelong habits are solidified.
b. The body is working at peak efficiency, but, in the latter years of early adulthood, the effects of aging gradually become evident.
A. Psychosocial changes
1. Life centers on work, family, and stress.
2. During this period, adults strive to create a place for themselves in the world, and many do everything they can to “settle down.”
3. Despite the amount of stress and change, this is one of the more stable periods of life.
Physical Changes in Middle Adults
- Middle adults are vulnerable to vision and hearing loss.
- Cardiovascular health becomes an issue.
- Cancer incidence increases.
- Menopause takes place in the late 40s or early 50s.
- Diabetes, hypertension, and weight problems are common.
- Exercise and a healthy diet can diminish the effects of aging.
Psycho Social Changes in Middle Adults
- Focus is on achieving life goals.
2. Middle adults must readjust their lifestyle as children leave home.
3. Finances become a worrisome issue.
4. Generally, people of this age have the physical, emotional, and spiritual reserves to handle life’s issues.
5. Middle adults may find themselves caring for children leaving for college and caring for their aging parents as well.
Cardio Changes Older Adults
a. Cardiac function declines with age largely due to atherosclerosis.
b. Heart rate and cardiac output decrease.
i. Cardiac output can no longer meet the demands of the body.
c. The vascular system becomes stiff.
i. The heart must work harder to overcome vascular resistance
d. The ability to produce replacement blood cells declines, as does the blood volume.
Pulmanary Changes in Older Adults
a. The size of the airways increase, and the surface area of the alveoli decreases.
b. The natural elasticity and the strength of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm decreases.
i. Breathing becomes more labor intensive. c. By age 75 years, the vital capacity may amount to only 50% of the vital capacity of a young adult.
d. The chest becomes more rigid and fragile.
e. Cough and gag reflexes diminish along with the ability to clear secretions.
i. Older adults are at a greater risk of aspiration and airway obstruction.
f. Smooth muscles of the lower airway weaken causing airway collapse on inhalation.
i. Produces inspirstory wheezing, lower flow rates, and air trapping in the alveoli.
g. Older adults are more susceptible to lung infections.
Endocrine Changes in Older Adults
a. Insulin production drops off and metabolism decreases.
b. The reproductive system changes to some extent.
i. Hormone production for both sexes gradually decreases as they age.
ii. Sexual desire may diminish with age but does not cease.
GI Changes in Older Adults
a. Changes in gastric and intestinal function may inhibit nutritional intake and utilization in older adults.
i. Tooth loss makes chewing difficult and taste sensations decrease.
b. Saliva secretion decreases, and this reduces the body’s ability to process complex carbohydrates.
c. The ability of the intestines to contract and move food diminishes.
d. Gastric acid secretion diminishes.
e. Gallstones become increasingly common.
f. Decreased elasticity of the anal sphincter causes fecal incontinence.
Renal (Kidney) Changes in Older Adults
a. The filtration function declines by 50% from age 20 to 90 years.
b. Kidney mass decreases 20% over the same span.
c. There is a in the blood supply to the kidneys.
d. There is a decreased ability to remove waste and to conserve fluids when needed.
Nervous Sys Changes in Older Adults
a. The brain weight may shrink 10% to 20% by age 80 years.
i. Motor and sensory neural networks become slower.
b. Neurons are lost, but this does not mean there is not a loss of knowledge or skill.
c. Sleep patterns change. d. Age-related shrinkage creates a void between the brain and the outermost layer of the meninges, which provides room for the brain to move when stressed. e. Peripheral nerve slows with age.
i. Sensations become diminished and may be misinterpreted.
ii. Increased reaction times cause longer delays between stimulation and motion.
f. Prolonged reaction times and slower reflexes contribute to a higher incidence of falls.
Sensory Changes in Older Adults
a. Pupillary reaction and ocular movements become more restricted.
b. Visual distortions are common.
c. Peripheral fields of vision narrow.
d. Hearing loss is four times more common than vision loss.
i. Loss of high-frequency hearing or deafness.
Pyscho Social Changes in Older Adults
- Until about 5 years before death, most people retain high brain function.
- Statistics indicate that 95% of the elderly live at home.
a. May need assistance from family, friends, or home health care - Increased need for assisted-living facilities
- Financial limits may restrict access to health care or medications. 5. Today, more than 50% of all single women in the United States who are 60 years of age or older are living at or below the poverty level.
- One of the important issues that the elderly need to face is their own mortality.
- Isolation and depression can be challenges.