Ch 7 Jesus Christ: His Mission And Ministry Flashcards
The _____ we use have great power to communicate or to mislead, which is why it is important to now what words _____. This is even more essential to ______ the words that are applied to Jesus Christ in _____.
words, mean, understand, Scripture
What kinds of questions does Christology address?
- Who is Jesus Christ?
- What does it mean when we call Jesus the Son of God?
- How can Jesus be human and divine at the same time?
5 New Testament titles of Jesus and what do they mean
Emmanuel - God with us
Word (Logos) of God - Jesus always existent with God, all things including life came to be through Him
Son of Man - human & God’s divine agent who will usher in God’s kingdom
Son of God - God’s son
“I AM” - God
The New Testament uses the term “_____” for Jesus ___ times, the Jewish word for _____. This title helps us to see that Jesus was known as a _____ and _____ teacher.
Rabbi, 14, teacher, respected, admired
What was unique about Jesus’ teaching style compared to other rabbis?
Other rabbis quoted other authorities to support their teaching, Jesus quoted no one and taught with his own authority
The title “_____” comes from the Greek word Christos which translates _____, a Latin word for “_____” or savior. The Messiah was God’s anointed one who would fulfill all the divine _____ made to the _____.
Christ, messiah, anointed one, promises, chosen people
The contemporaries of Jesus had _____ ideas of what & who the Messiah would be.
Although Jesus accepted the title of Messiah, his concept of the Messiah _____ from that of his contemporaries.
For Jesus, Messiah is the _____ who will come in glory at the _____ but he is also the _____ described in Isaiah. He would _____ his very life for his people.
Son of Man, end of time, suffering servant, sacrifice
When did God the Father anoint his only begotten Son with the Holy Spirit?
At Jesus’ baptism
Jesus told his _____ to keep his true identity _____ for the time being. Jesus did not want people to come to him for the _____, he wanted them to approach him in _____ and to accept and live his message of ____, peace, and service
Disciples, quiet, wrong reasons, faith, love
One of the major themes in Mark’s Gospel
Following Jesus means picking up a cross in daily imitation of him
God _____ still send prophets to the world.
Does (Mother Theresa, Pope John Paul II, Dorothy Day)
Threefold office of the suffering servant
Prophet, High Priest, King
A _____ is commonly thought of as one who predicts the future as Jesus’ prediction about the destruction of the _____. The word prophet also means “a person who _____” and works on God’s behalf to _____ the people.
Prophet, Jerusalem Temple, represents God, instruct
Jesus is the very _____ who speaks for his _____ and teaches through his words and his _____ the full message of Salvation. His role as prophet involved testifying to _____.
Word of God, father, deeds, the truth
A _____ is a mediator between God and _____. The Letter to the Hebrews calls Jesus the “_____” and the Perfect Sacrifice. Jesus the Christ continues his priestly role at each celebration of the _____.
Priest, humanity, a great high priest, Eucharist
When Jesus responded to Pilate, “you say so”, Jesus meant “yes, just as you say, I am the king of the Jews”
Jesus was the _____ and if all people. But he does not _____ it over others. He came as the Son of God to _____ rough suffering and dying for us to bring about our _____ and rules with gentleness, compassion, and love.
King of the Jews, lord, serve, Salvation
What did sacrificial lamb symbolize for Israelites?
Salvation and freedom from the physical slavery of the Chosen People
In the New Testament, St. Paul called Jesus our _____ who has been sacrificed. _____ declared that Jesus was not only the _____ but also the Son of God
Paschal lamb, John the Baptist, Lamb of God
Significance of Jesus’ death as lambs were killed for Passover
The blood of the slain lambs saved the ancient Israelites during passover, the blood of the Lamb of God replaced the death of all sacrificial lambs; through God’s sacrificial lamb humanity was saved
Every catholic Mass commemorates the sacrifice of the Lamb of God in an _____ manner.
The word “_____” means one who _____ us from present or future _____.
Savior, protects, danger
What does Jesus mean?
“Savior” or God saves
When Christians apply the title “_____” to the name of Jesus, it translates the _____ word Kurios, which translates the _____ word Adonai. Adonai was the word the Chosen People used whenever _____ would appear in Hebrew Scriptures.
Lord, Greek, Hebrew, YHWH