Ch 7: Industrial and Economic Development Patterns and Processes Vocab Flashcards
Grouping together of many firms from the same industry in a single area for collective or cooperative use of infrastructure and sharing of labor resources.
Ancillary Activities/Multiplier Effect
economic activities that surround and support large scale industries such as shipping and food service.
Backwash Effects
The negative effects on one region that result from economic growth within another region.
Break-Bulk Point
A location where large shipments of goods are broken up into smaller containers for delivery to local markets.
Brick-And-Mortar Business
Traditional businesses with actual stores in which trade or retail occurs; they do not exist solely on the internet.
Bulk-Gaining Industries
Industries whose products weigh more after assembly than they did previously in their constituent parts. Such industries tend to have production facilities close to their markets.
Bulk-Reducing Industries
Industries whose final products weigh less than their constituent parts, and whose processing facilities tend to be located close to sources of raw materials.
Commodity Dependence
When peripheral economies rely too heavily on the export of raw materials, which places them on unequal terms of exchange with more-developed countries that export higher-value goods.
Conglomerate Corporation
A firm comprising many smaller firms that serve several different functions.