Ch. 7 Foundations, Floors, Ceilings, and Walls Flashcards
Base of operations defn
Concept that the platform you are working on, roof or floor, will safely support you
Early foundations were made of:
Field stones: Quartz, limestone
Clay bricks
Granite or limestone blocks
And then concrete
What type of concrete is used for foundations?
Low slump, high agg, less water, more Portland
Steel is used for large buildings and all basements
Name the layers of a lathe and plaster ceiling
Rough coat/scratch coat
Brown coat
Finish coat
Where can you find a metal wire mesh and plaster ceiling?
Under facades over public walkway soffits
Difficult to pull with pike pole
Common size for drywall
4 X 8 X 1/2”
Can be as big as 4 X 10
Interstitial space
Area above a suspended ceiling
3 names for suspended ceilings
Dropped, false and grid
Plenum space
Area in the interstitial space used for an air return
When you see plenum space what should you do
Turn off the HVAC system
How far above a roof does a fire Division wall extend?
3 materials used for Fire Division Walls
Masonry- best
Brick Noggin-older degrading
Drywall- good if not breached
2 types of Party walls and differences
Adjoining-studs next to each other. Good for FR, but not sound
Offset studs-good for sound, but not FR. Offset several inches
Both can extend through the roof and may be LB
How does fire travel into Joist spaces in Balloon framing?
The Ribbon boards that are attached to the studs and support the joists
How are AFM corners different?
Two studs instead of 3 or 4
Types of masonry walls
Clay brick. Two most common
Concrete brick
Stone, marble, granite, limestone
4 types of Masonry walls
Unreinforced brick
Reinforced brick
Weight bearing
Prior to 1935, you can expect masonry walls to be
Pre 33 Masonry walls:
No PC, only lime, sand and water
13” thick
Parapet walls 3-5’ above roofline
Fire cut with lets
What did the Longbeach earthquake of 33 do?
Safety codes for better masonry walls
Post 33-Longbeach
Steel rebar
9” thick
Anchored in joists and rafters by hangers
Posts 59-Tehahapi, ca
4”-6” cap
Parapet 16”
Tie plates every 4’
Post 71- Sylmar, ca
Prevent outward collapse
Anchored to floor and roof
Roof had plywood, 1x6 straight sheathing and metal straps
Primary collapse hazard in an URM pre 33 building
Front and rear wall, can collapse a distance of 2 X the height
King Row
Usually a feature of URM, turned on its side every 4-7 rows,but can be added to an Reinforced era as well for looks
Safest part of an URM building is
Clark county
Roof collapse caused tilt wall construction to collapse
Pilasters on a tilt wall indicate what?
If only on two sides, they show where the primary roof support members are located. Strong portion of wall for laddering