Ch. 7: Configuring and Verifying Switch Interfaces Flashcards
In TCP and UDP, a number that is used to uniquely identify the application process that either sent (source port) or should receive (destination port) data. In LAN switching, another term for switch interface.
An IEEE standard mechanism (802.3u) with which two nodes can exchange messages for the purpose of choosing to use the same Ethernet standards on both ends of the link, ensuring that the link functions and functions well.
full duplex
Generically, any communication in which two communicating devices can concurrently send and receive data. In Ethernet LANs, the allowance for both devices to send and receive at the same time, allowed when both devices disable their CSMA/CD logic.
half duplex
Generically, any communication in which only one device at a time can send data. In Ethernet LANs, the normal result of the CSMA/CD algorithm that enforces the rule that only one device should send at any point in time.
A short reference to an Ethernet NIC or switch port that supports speed of 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps.
A short reference to an Ethernet NIC or switch port that supports speeds of 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, and 1000 Mbps (that is, 1 Gbps).
interface (type port-number)
Changes context to interface mode. The type is typically Fast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet. The possible port numbers vary depending on the model of switch—for example, Fa0/1, Fa0/2, and so on.
interface range (type port-number - end-port-number)
Changes the context to interface mode for a range of consecutively numbered interfaces. The subcommands that follow then apply to all interfaces in the range.
shutdown | no shutdown
Interface mode. Disables or enables the interface, respectively.
speed {10 | 100 | 1000 | auto}
Interface mode. Manually sets the speed to the listed speed or, with the auto setting, automatically negotiates the speed.
duplex {auto | full | half}
Interface mode. Manually sets the duplex to half or full, or to autonegotiate the duplex setting.
description (text)
Interface mode. Lists any information text that the engineer wants to track for the interface, such as the expected device on the other end of the cable.
no duplex
no speed
no description
Reverts to the default setting for each interface subcommand of speed auto, duplex auto, and the absence of a description command.
show running-config
Lists the currently used configuration
show running-config | interface (type number)
Displays the running-configuration excerpt of the listed interface and its subcommands only
show mac address-table dynamic [interface type number] [vlan vlan-id]
Lists the dynamically learned entries in the switch’s address (forwarding) table, with subsets by interface and/or VLAN
show mac address-table static [interface type number]
Lists static MAC addresses and MAC addresses learned or defined with port security
show interfaces [type number] status
Lists one output line per interface (or for only the listed interface if included), noting the description, operating state, and settings for duplex and speed on each interface
show interfaces [type number]
Lists detailed status and statistical information about all interfaces (or the listed interface only)
show interfaces description
Displays one line of information per interface, with a two-item status (similar to the show interfaces command status), and includes any description that is configured on the interfaces