Ch. 7, 8, 9 Flashcards
What are wave functions?
The motion of electrons as a function of location and time
What does the symbol ᴪ represent?
Wave functions
What does ᴪ^2 define?
An orbital of high probability for locating an electron.
What do quantum numbers describe?
The most probable location of an electron
How many quantum numbers does each electron have?
Principal QN (n) describes…
the size and energy level of the orbital
The orbital with larger n…
has larger size, higher energy, and are farther form the nucleus
The orbitals with the same n…
are in the same shell
Angular Momentum QN (l) describes…
the shape and energy sublevel of the orbital
The orbitals with the same n AND l…
are in the same subshell
Magnetic Momentum QN describes…
the orientation of the orbital
Electron Spin QN describes…
the spin states of the electrons
The Pauli Exclusion Principle states that…
in a given atom, no two electrons can have the same set of four quantum numbers
What is the maximum number of electrons in each orbital?
n^2 represents…
the number of orbitals in each energy shell