ch 7 Flashcards
The activation temperature of most ice-forming nuclei is ______ 0 °C.
Well below
Hygroscopic nuclei ______ water molecules.
The relative humidity within a cloud is ______ 100 percent.
Who is luke howard
The British naturalist who is credited with being among the first to devise a classification of cloud types
cloud types, which one is coldest
cloud types, which one is warmest?
Extreme nocturnal radiational cooling occurs when
skies are clear
A cloud that forms when warm air overrides cold air is
This cloud does not typically have relatively low bases with the exception
Cirrcus clouds are typically composed of
ice crystals only
usually only drizzle falls from which cloud
stratus clouds
Clouds at temperatures between 0 °C and -9 °C are typically composed of
mostly supercooled water droplets.
A _____ cloud develops as a consequence of local convection
The convective condensation level (CCL) closely corresponds in altitude to the base of a ______ cloud.
Which one of the following cloud types would most likely be responsible for producing heavy rain?
A cloud that exhibits considerable vertical development is
a cloud that may be cold at the top and warm at low levels
Cumulonimbus (thunderstorm) clouds typically are
cold at high altitudes and warm at cloud base.
Disk shaped, mountain-wave clouds are known as
altocumulus lenticularis.
A rarely seen cloud that forms in the upper mesosphere and may be composed of ice deposited on meteoric dust
all of the following clouds may be formed by waves propagating horizontally within the atmosphere with the exception of
To be considered fog, visibility must be restricted to ______or less. Otherwise, the suspension is called mist.
in dense fog the mixing ratio is …… the saturation mixing ratio
about equal too
Persistent radiation fog is likely to develop on a
river valley bottom.
advection for forms when
warm humid air streams over the cold surface of a lake.
Fog formed when cold dry air streams over the surface of a relatively warm body of water is known as
steam fog
At the same pressure, cold air is ______ warm air and ______
more dense than ….flows downslope
The type of fog formed in spring when mild humid air flows over an old snow cover is
advection fog
0 out of 1 points
At saturation and at the same temperature, the vapor pressure is greater over ______ than over ______
water …ice
Which one of the following has the greatest terminal velocity?
large hailstorm
for a given particle the terminal velocity is ….. in air than in water
Most precipitation that falls in middle latitudes originates in ______ clouds.
nimbostratus or cumulonimbus
Most precipitation that falls in middle latitudes originates in ______ clouds.
It takes the water content of about ______ cloud droplets to form a single raindrop.
1 000 000
A warm cloud is composed of
The Bergeron-Findeisen precipitation process takes place within ______ clouds.
In cold clouds, a vapor pressure that is ______ for water droplets is ______ for ice crystals.
saturated ….super saturated
The type of frozen precipitation sometimes produced by a summer thunderstorm is
Rain that has a pH ______ 5.6 is considered to be acid rain.
lower than
weather radar continually emits pulses of
Weather radar gathers information about precipitation in clouds by measuring the
amount of energy scattered back to the transmitter
Operating in the Doppler mode, weather radar detects particles moving __________ the radar beam.
directly toward or away from
______ uses multiple beams sent out simultaneously, providing a faster, more detailed picture of the atmosphere.
Phased array weather radar
Which type of rain gauge performs better at subfreezing air temperatures?
weighting bucket rain gauge