CH 7 Flashcards
Any employee required to operate a motor vehicle in the performance of their
duties must possess and maintain a valid ___________
Florida driver’s license
Employees must immediately report such expiration, suspension or revocation to
their supervisor and must correct the issue within _____business days, unless
an extension has been granted by Internal Affairs
ten (10)
Failure to report an expiration, suspension or revocation, failure to correct the
issue or repeated violations will be reported to _____
the Internal Affairs Division for
All active employee driver licenses will be checked for validity with the Florida
Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) at least ______ by the Human Resources Information Manager (HRIM)
once per
Human Resource Information Manager
________: A motor vehicle owned or leased by BSO which is assigned
specifically to an individual employee for use in routine daily assignments.
Assigned Vehicle
_______: A motor vehicle owned or leased by BSO
BSO Vehicle
_________: A BSO vehicle which is marked and painted the color
combination prescribed by state statute, bears the official BSO insignia, and
designated for routine patrol enforcement duties.
Marked Vehicle
_______: A BSO vehicle which does not bear the official BSO insignia
and colors
Unmarked Vehicle
BSO vehicles assigned to deputies will be made at the direction of_______
the Sheriff
Use of assigned vehicles during off duty hours is considered a ______ and not
an _________
privilege, employment right
Transporting passengers other than employees, suspects, arrestees, victims or
witnesses will require additional insurance, to be obtained by the employee, as
outlined in subsection _____
The extended use of a pool or loaner greater than ________
requires written approval from the employee’s Department
Executive Director
one (1) week
The following are examples of taxable personal use of an
employer-provided vehicle:
1. ______
- Commuting between residence and work station
- Vacation, weekend use
Mileage on BSO vehicles assigned to nonsworn personnel will be documented _________
The Quarterly Vehicle Mileage Report (BSO A#20a) must be submitted to
the Payroll department within _______ following the end of each quarter
ten days
Exchange of BSO vehicles will only be authorized through the ________
Fleet Division
If transporting approved non-work related passengers
in an assigned vehicle as set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Employee
must obtain business automobile insurance with minimum limits of $_________
dollars per occurrence, $_______ aggregate liability coverage and shall complete
a “Liability Insurance Affidavit” as proof.
100,000 , 300,000
Employees participating in this program who are off duty
for a period exceeding______ will turn in their assigned vehicles to their
district/division commander
five days
Improper vehicle attire includes, but is not limited to ____, ______, _____, _____,
t-shirts, tank tops,
bathing attire, or shorts.
It is at ______ discretion to respond in Code 3 mode
the deputy’s
It is BSO’s policy to relieve off duty deputies with on duty deputies as soon as
possible. Due to _______ and ________, on
duty supervisors may direct the off duty deputy to handle the call.
circumstances on continuity and preservation of evidence
It will be employees’ responsibility to check assigned vehicles daily for ____, _____, ______, ______ to assure proper functioning of their vehicle
fuel, oil
level, water, and battery
Vehicles will be inspected at least ______for cleanliness, proper
performance, the good working order of all equipment, and the proper BSO-issued license plate and decal are attached. Vehicle inspections will be
documented on the applicable vehicle inspection form.
once a month
Minimum of ___flares (obtained from the Service Center)
How many blankets in the proper container required in vehicle
General road patrol vehicles (i.e., marked cars) will conform to Florida
Statutes designating the color combination of _____ and _____as
official colors in the State of Florida for deputy sheriff marked vehicles
forest green and white
Window-Tinting (Sun-screening): All BSO owned or leased vehicles will
only be tinted through the ______
BSO Fleet Division
Theft or damage to BSO equipment or vehicles
will be reported __________
as soon as possible
t or f
Employees, who are on duty and eligible for mileage reimbursement, operating a
non-BSO Vehicle for official business, are not responsible to report any traffic crash,
property damage, or non-contact incident.
_________ will investigate all fatal and serious bodily injury
(substantial risk of death, serious personal disfigurement, or loss of
limb/organ) traffic crashes involving BSO Vehicles.
Traffic Homicide
If the traffic crash / property damage occurred outside Broward, Palm Beach, or
Miami-Dade Counties, the_________ will be notified
Traffic Homicide supervisor
If the investigation is being conducted by another agency, the
supervisor will obtain a BSO county case number from
Communications (using the _______ as the address,
classified as _______, and coded____)
Public Safety Building, Assist Other Agency and Hotel
If the supervisor will not be returning to work within _______, the completed Blue Team entry must be forwarded before going off-duty. Otherwise, the completed entry must be forwarded before the
end of the supervisor’s next shift. The supervisor will forward the
completed entry to an immediate manager for review (i.e. Sergeant
forwards to a Lieutenant). The author cannot be the approver.
twenty-four (24)
Once approved, the final reviewing manager will forward the entry
to the group “Command Completed – Vehicle Crash/Property
Damage” for ______
quality assurance review
- Supervisor
- Manager Review
- Division of policy and accountability
- Risk Management
- IAPro
Professional Standards Committee Director
All operable BSO Vehicles (excluding Segways) involved in a traffic crash or
property damage incident will be brought in for inspection to a BSO Service
Center by the employee assigned that vehicle within _______ of the
incident, if possible. This includes those vehicles with no visible damage.
seven business days
t or f
Leased vehicles will be brought into service center for repair
Leased vehicles will not be brought to a BSO Service Center for inspection.
They will be inspected at the leasing company in accordance with the approved
leasing agreement
If an employee is unable to bring the vehicle in within seven business days due
to injury, illness, annual leave etc., _______ will be
responsible for ensuring the vehicle is brought in for inspection within the
required time frame
the employee’s immediate supervisor
Crash Review Board
Preventable crashes will require the appropriate _______
driver awareness program
The CRB consists of voting members, each serving ______ terms
The CRB consists of the following voting members
1.Chairperson, appointed by the Sheriff or designee.
2. Vice-chairperson, appointed by the Sheriff or designee.
3. Two law enforcement deputies of any rank
4. One detention deputy of any rank
5. One fire rescue employee
The following employees are advisors to the CRB and prohibited from voting:
2. ________
1.Risk Management employee
2. Fleet Division employee
The following employees are prohibited from being voting members of the CRB:
2. ______
- Employees assigned to traffic functions including, but not limited to Traffic
Homicide, DUI Task Force, DUI/BAT - Driving instructors
Drivers notified of a preventable crash may appeal the finding of preventable to
the Crash Review Board (CRB) by sending the appeal request to the Executive
Director, Department of Professional Standards or designee within _______
10 days of the
receipt of the notice
Is attendance mandatory when employees may present their case to the CRB?
Affected employees may present their case to the CRB; attendance will not be
Hazards to the public, pursuing
deputy, and the suspect must be considered if _______ or _______
Initiating or Continuing a pursuit
Deputies and supervisors will terminate their pursuit if the risk to their safety and
the safety of others ________________
outweighs the seriousness of the violation
________: A non-standard traffic stop where a vehicle refuses to immediately
stop or makes evasive movements to avoid contact with a deputy; this includes
deputies on foot and in a vehicle.
Traffic Event
__________: The detention and/or apprehension by deputies in BSO vehicles of
the occupants of a vehicle, whereby the driver indicates his/her intention to stop
upon a deputy’s initial use of emergency lights and siren
Vehicle Stop
At the time of initial visual contact, the Aviation unit, when practical, shall
a. _____
b. ______
a. The total number of pursuing units observed;
b. Traffic conditions
T or F
Use of roadblocks and tire deflation devices are prohibited
Pursuit Intervention Technique
The decision to employ the PIT Maneuver rests solely with the
_________, and will be performed in
accordance with training guidelines.
deputy performing the PIT Maneuver
T or F
PIT Maneuvers may be used in any authorized pursuit
Any PIT Maneuver application requires the completion of a
___________ in BlueTeam.
Supervisor’s Use of Force Review
For all “Failure to Yield/Stop” incidents that are adequately captured on Body Worn
Cameras (BWC), patrol supervisors will select “FTY” in BlueTeam drop down
menu and complete only the ________ and_________ pages, and will
also request a copy of the___________
Incident Details and Involved People, radio transmission audio
Within _____________, the pursuit supervisor will submit a BlueTeam
report and the dispatch tape to the district/division/unit commander
10 days of the incident date
In cases where pursuits result in serious injury/property damage or death to a
person, pursuit supervisors will be responsible for ensuring ___, ____, _____ are notified.
Office of the General
Counsel, Risk Management and Traffic Homicide
The district/division/unit commander, within _____ of the incident, will review
and forward the BlueTeam report and forward it to “Command Completed” group.
21 days
Vehicle Immobilization Tactic
The Division of Policy and Accountability will analyze relevant information
from each pursuit, FTY, VIT, or PIT Maneuver incident and provide a written
annual report by ______ of each year.
March 31st
Unless immediate contact is required, the impounding deputy will advise
the investigative unit during the office’s next regular workday within ______
(within 72
If a BSO vehicle becomes disabled with any part of it
extending on the roadway, the employee will:
A. _______
B. ________
A. Appropriately place warning flares and/or reflective traffic cones on the road.
B. Use all operable visual warning devices on the vehicle.
Agency vehicles shall not be used to push disabled vehicles for any
reason other than ______________
to eliminate or reduce an exigent public safety hazard
created by the disabled vehicle.
The disabled vehicle operator shall be instructed of the following:
a. Place the vehicle in neutral.
b. Do not apply the brakes while being pushed.
c. The power steering and/or power brakes on the disabled vehicle
may not be working properly.
d. _____________________
Raise their hand when ready to be pushed
Deputies wishing to become escort certified will attend a ______ escort
detail course provided by BSO Motors Unit.
two (2) hour
All escort details require a minimum of two (2) marked BSO vehicles for the first
_____vehicles escorted
twenty (20)
One additional marked BSO vehicle will be added to the escort detail for
every ____additional vehicles escorted.
ten (10)
If the escort requires ____ deputies to move the escort a supervisor/OIC
will be identified and the Regional Traffic Enforcement Unit (RTEU) will be
four (4)
Any event that is expected to require ___ deputies or more and/or has an
expected guest / participant count of ___ or more people shall require a special
review and approval by the Administrative Point of Contact and the Special Detail
10, 75
Any Special Detail that is reviewed and classified as a Special Event will
be charged an Administrative fee of $_ per/hr. not to exceed more than
40, four (4) hours
A minimum of one (1) tail car and _____additional marked units shall be
used for each Hazardous or Unusual Cargo Escort.
Upon completion of the vehicle’s use, the deputy using it will prepare and submit
an After-Action Report within 24 hours. The report will state:
1. _____
- The condition of the vehicle.
- When the vehicle will be returned to the owner