Ch 7 Flashcards
Which two of the following are examples of how Benedictine monks advanced learning within the monastery?
They all had to learn how to read and write.
They made copies of many books onto parchment.
How did the monks of sixth-century western Europe affect society?
They functioned as an example of regularity and rationality for others to emulate.
In a Benedictine monastery, the monks were spiritual brothers, and the abbot was considered their
How did the Benedictine monks institutionalize reading and writing in medieval times?
They provided an example of learned people that others wanted to imitate.
Pope Gregory the Great did not
come from very humble, impoverished beginnings.
How did the papacy feel about the Lombards’ presence in Italy in the late seventeenth century?
They were often in conflict over Italian territories north and south of Rome.
Why was monasticism originally considered a type of fringe behavior?
It was practiced by people who focused primarily on the extreme denial of the ways of the world.
In a Benedictine monastery, the monks
shared everything
Which of the following statements about bishops is the most accurate?
The appointment to position of bishop was held for life.
What did it mean to be king in the Early Middle Ages?
successful military leader
In the Early Middle Ages, what was required in order to earn the status of saint?
public consensus
One of the Five Pillars of Islam instructs believers to undertake a pilgrimage to Mecca, which is also known as
Which caliph caused Islam to split into the factions now known as Shi’ism and Sunni?
Emperor Leo III did not focus on
increasing the dedication to holy images and icons among the people.
What does it mean that under the Franks’ rule in the west that the state ceased to exist?
The ideals of public good and citizenship disappeared.
True or false: The Do-Nothing Kings of France lost so much power that the mayors eventually became the ones in control of the dynasty.