Ch. 6: The Flow of Food: Preparation Flashcards
Guidelines for equipment?
Workstations, cutting boards, and utensils must be clean and sanitized
Guidelines for quantity of food?
Only remove as much food from cooler as can be prepped in a short period of time
Guidelines for food storage?
Return prepped food to cooler or cook it ASAP
Guidelines for additives? (5)
Only use approved additives
NEVER more than is lawful
NEVER to alter appearance
Don’t buy produce that was treated w/ sulfites
NEVER add sulfites to produce that will be eaten raw
Guidelines for presentation? (7)
Not misleading/misinforming
Must be able to judge true appearance/color/quality of food
No food/color additives to misrepresent
No colored overwraps to misrepresent
No lights to mispresent
Must be presented the way it was described
Any food not honestly presented must be thrown out
Guidelines for corrective actions? (4)
Unsafe food must be tossed unless it can be safely reconditioned
Toss food handled by staff who’ve been restricted/excluded due to illness
Toss food contaminated by hands/bodily fluids
Toss food that’s exceeded time/temp reqs.
Define reconditioning
Restoring food to a safe condition. (EG hot food held in the TDZ for less than two hours can be reheated on stove to M.I.T. and put back in hot holding)
1 MAJOR rule for thawing food?
NEVER thaw at room temp
4 methods for thawing TCS food?
Fridge (keep 41F-)
Running water (potable 70F- strong enough flow, WRS sink, NEVER let go over 41F longer than 4hrs (includes thaw time plus prep and cooling))
Microwave (if will be conventionally cooked immediately after thawing)
Thawing ROP Fish? (3)
Usually must be frozen until ready for use.
Remove from pkg before thawing in fridge
Remove from pkg before or immediately after thawing under running water
What should produce not touch to avoid cross-contam?
Surfaces exposed to raw meat, seafood or poultry
How to wash produce? (4)
Thoroughly under running water before cutting, cooking, or combining with other ingredients
Water slightly warmer than produce
Be extra careful with leafy greens (remove outer leaves and take completely apart before rinsing)
Sometimes chemicals can be used, such as ozone, refer to local regulations
When storing/soaking produce in standing water what needs to be known?
To not mix different items or items from multiple batches of the same thing.
What temperature should you hold fresh cut produce?
Where can you not serve raw seed sprouts?
An operation where the main clients are high-risk
How to handle pooled eggs? (3)
Only if allowed by local authorities
Cook immediately after mixing or store a 41F-
Clean and Sani containers before making a new batch
What eggs are best when eggs will be undercooked?
When serving high risk populations what kind of eggs should you use?
Pasteurized if it will be undercooked or pooled.
Unpasteurized is fine if it will be Fully cooked
Guidelines for TCS Salads? (2)
Only use leftover TCS foods if it was cooked, held, cooled, and stored properly
Do not use leftover TCS food that’s been held for more than 7 days
What kind of water do you need to make ice?
Can you use ice in food if it was used to cool food?
Guidelines for ice scoops/containers? (5)
Must be cleaned and sanitized
Held outside of machine in clean protected location
Never hold/carry ice in containers that held raw proteins/chemicals
Never touch ice w hands
Never use a glass to scoop ice
What is a variance?
A document issued by regulatory authority that allows a regulatory requirement to be waived/changed
What might you need when applying for a variance?
A HACCP plan that accounts for any food safety risks for how you plan to prep the food item
What are reasons a variance would be needed? (8)
Packaging fresh juice for later sale unless it has a compliant warning label
Smoking food only to preserve it
Using food additives to preserve/alter food so it doesn’t need time/temp control
Curing food
Custom processing animals for personal use
Packaging food using an ROP method
Sprouting seeds or beans
Offering live shellfish from a display tank
Temp checking guidelines? (3)
Pick a thermometer w/ correct probe size
Check temp in thickest part
Take at least two readings in different locations
Temp: Poultry (whole and ground)
165F for 15 secs
Temp: Stuffing made with fish, meat, or poultry
165F for 15 secs
Temp: Stuffed meat, seafood, poultry, or pasta
165F for 15 secs
Temp: Dishes with previously cooked TCS foods?
165F for 15 secs
Temp: Ground meat
155F for 15 secs
Temp: Injected meat (brined ham and flavor injected roasts)
155F for 15 secs
Temp: Mechanically tenderized meat
155F for 15 secs
Temp: Ratites (mostly flightless birds, ostrich, emu)
155F for 15 secs
Temp: Ground seafood (includes chopped/minced)
155F for 15 secs
Temp: Shell eggs that will be hot held
155F for 15 secs
Temp: Seafood
145F for 15 secs
Temp: Steaks/chops of meats
145F for 15 secs
Temp: Commercially raised game
145F for 15 secs
Temp: Shell eggs immediately served
145F for 15 secs
Temp: Meat roasts
145F for 4 min
Temp: Produce, grains, legumes that will be hot held
135F no min time
Microwave cooking requirements? (5)
Proteins must be cooked to 165F Cover the food so it doesn't dry out Rotate/stir halfway thru cooking Let stand, covered at least 2 min Check temp in at least two places
5 Parcooking Steps?
Do not cook longer than 60 min during 1st cooking
Cook immediately after 1st cooking
Freeze/refrigerate after cooking it–must be held at 41F-. Store away from RTEF
Heat the food to required min. int. temp before serving
Cool food properly if it won’t be served immediately or held for service
Procedures required for parcooking? (4)
How the requirements will be monitored/documented
Which corrective actions will be taken if reqs are not met
How food will be marked after 1st cooking to indicate it needs more cooking
How food will be separated form RTE food after 1st cooking
If TCS food is raw/undercooked there must be disclosures and reminders that state:
That the food is raw/undercooked
That that increases risk of foodborne illnesses
Can you offer raw/undercooked meat/poultry/seafood/eggs on a children’s menu?
No, especially not ground beef
5 Things you can never serve to a mainly high-risk population
Raw seed sprouts Raw/undercooked eggs Raw oysters Rare hamburgers Unpasteurized milk/juice
1st cooling step
From 135F to 70F w/i 2 hrs
2nd cooling step
From 70F to 41F w/i the next 4 hrs
If food hasn’t cooked to 70F w/i 2 hours what needs to happen?
Reheat and then cool again
If you can cool the food from 135-70f in less than 2 hrs what can you do?
Use the remainder of the total 6 hrs to finish cooling.
3 factors than affect how quickly food will cool
Storage container type
NEVER cool food this way
Large amounts of hot food in cooler
4 safe methods for cooling food
Ice-water bath (freq. stir)
Blast chiller
Ice paddle
Ice/cold water as an ingredient (make sure to adjust recipe)
Storing food for further cooling?
Loosely cover or if can’t do that make sure it’s placed above other items to avoid cross contamination
Reheating food for immediate service
Reheat to any temp, as long as it was originally cooked/cooled correctly
Reheating food for hot holding
TCS food to 165 for 15 sec w/i 2 hrs
If commercially processed/packaged RTE food, must be to at least 135F