Ch 6 - Prosthetic and Orthotics: Upper Limb Orthoses Flashcards
What are the 3 categories of upper limb orthoses?
- Static orthoses
- Dynamic orthoses
- Tone-reducing orthoses
What is an Opponens orthosis used for?
Immobilize the thumb to promote tissue healing and/or protection or for positioning of the weak thumb in opposition to other fingers to facilitate three-jaw chuck pinch
Describe an Opponens orthosis.
Hand-thumb orthoses consist of a dorsal and a palmar bar encircling the hand, with a thumb abduction bar and C-bar to stabilize the thumb
Describe a Long Opponens orthosis with wrist-control attachments.
Stabilizes first MCP while forearm bar maintains wrist in extension and prevents radial and ulnar-deviation deformities
What does an Opponens orthosis with lumbrical bar prevent?
MCP joint hyperextension
Claw hand deformity
What is an Opponens orthosis with finger extension assist used for?
Interphalangeal flexion contracture
Boutonnière deformity
Postsurgical release of Dupuytren’s contracture
Describe a Swan neck ring splint.
Prevents PIP joint hyperextension through a three-point pressure system but allows full IP flexion
Describe a Boutonnière ring splint.
Immobilizes the PIP in extension and prevents flexion through a three-point pressure system
What are uses for thumb-web space stabilizers/thenar web spaces/ c-bar splint?
Postsurgical revision of scar
Webspace contractures
What is an intrinsic plus position?
MCPs flexed 70° to 90°
IPs in full extension
Thumb CMC in palmar abduction
Thumb MCP/IP in full extension
How are resting wrist-hand orthoses typically aligned?
Wrist in neutral to slight extension and the digits in an intrinsic plus position
What are thumb mobilization orthoses used for?
Contactures in flexion, extension or abduction
Describe a cock-up splint.
Wrist-hand orthoses in which the palmar section is extended (usually 0° to 20°)
Describe an Oppenheimer splint.
Prefabricated from spring steel wire and padded steel bands to assist wrist extension by tensing the steel wire, thus aiding finger flexion through tenodesis effect
When should a wrist-driven prehension orthosis be used?
C6 complete tetraplegia with 3+ or better wrist extensors to use body powered tenodesis
Describe a RIC tenodesis splint.
String lax w/ wrist flexion and tightens w/ extension, bringing the fingers close to the immobilized thumb, accomplishing three-jaw chuck prehension
Describe a balanced forearm orthosis.
Shoulder-elbow-wrist-hand orthosis (SEWHO) that consists of a forearm trough and a mount
What does a balanced forearm orthosis help with?
Support forearm and arm against gravity to move the arm horizontally and flex the elbow to bring the hand to the mouth
What is required for use of a balanced forearm orthosis?
– MMT >2 of biceps and pectoralis
– Trunk stability and balance
– Endurance in a sitting
– Preserved ROM of the shoulder and elbow joints
How are tone reducing splints worn?
2 hours on and 2 hours off throughout the day