Ch 6. Market Failure and Socially Undesirable outcomes II Flashcards
Positive Production Externality
Caused by production activities, MSC < MPC, and it is external benefits created by producers
Positive Consumption Externality
External benefits created by consumers, and MSB > MPB
Merit Goods
Held to be desirable for consumers, but which are underprovided by the market.
Public Good
Good that is non-rivalrous and non-excludable, firms do not have an incentive to produce it.
Free Rider Problem
When people can enjoy the use of a good without paying for it, and arises from non-excludability
Quasi-public Good (Club goods0
Goods that do not fall neatly into the other 2 categories, but have large positive externalities
Assymetic Information
Type of market failure where buys and sellers do not have equal access to information, results in underallocation
Adverse Selection
One party in a transaction has more information about the quality of the product being sold than the other party
Buyer has limited information, so they may research and try to obtain the extra information
Method used by the party that has more information and they convince the buyers that it of high quality
Moral Hazard
One party takes risks, but does not face the full costs of these risks because of the full costs of the risks are borne by the other party, arises in connection with insurance