Ch. 6 Effector Mechs of Cell-mediated Immunity Flashcards
Naive T-cell surface expression
L-selectin and and LFA-1 integrin - allows naive cells to enter and stay in lymph nodes
Activated T-cell surface expression/ migration of T-cells to site of infection
Activated T-cells lose L-selectin and therefore stay out of lymph nodes (they already know what antigen they need, they just have to go find it.)
- Increase expression of E/P selectin Ligand and LFA-1 and VLA integrin.
- TNF and IL-1 from macrophages at site of infection induce endothelial cells to express E/P selectin and ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 to bind the respective markers on T-cells
- Selectins bind first and a slow roll.
- Integrins lead to tight adhesion
- Macrophages and endothelial cells also release chemokines to attract the T-cells and then T-cells migrate through the vessels and to the infection
Th1 Reaction
- CD4+ cells activate macrophages
- Response that occurs in a DTH (to immunized individuals, longer on first exposure)
- delay is result of 24-48 hrs it takes for memory T-cells to be activated to effector cells, find the infection, and induce a response
Macrophages bind antigen then…
- phagosome
- phagolysosome
- ROS, NO, Proteases
- display peptides on MHC-II
- present to T-cells
- This activates T-cells
T-cells recognize antigen present by macrophage…
- T-cells increase expression of CD40L
- CD40L binds to CD40 on macrophage and activates them
- (Th1) T-cells are express INF-gamma to activate macrophages
- Secrete TNF to make vascular endothelial express more secretins and integrins
Macrophages activated by T-cells…
- Activated macrophages release IL-12 to stimulate T-cells to turn into Th1 cells
- IL-12 also Increases the amount of INF-gamma T-cells secrete
- Activated macrophages releases IL-12 and TNF to increase vascular permeability and secretin and integrin expression
- make PDGF to activate fibroblast and endothelial cells\
- increase MHC-II expression
Th1 cells secrete..
INF-gamma to stimulate macrophages
Actions of Th1 CD4+ cells
- activate macrophages
- stimulate CD8+ cells into active CTLs
- CTLs can also activate macrophages when they present with MHC-1
- Stimulates B-cells into plasma cells - Ig producing
TH17 cell function
secrete chemokines to attract neutrophils and monocytes to an infection
Th2 reaction + cytokines
- eosinophil based reaction - against helminths
- less tissue damage
- IL-4,5,10,13
Activates production of IgE - binds to mast cells to cause degranulation and surround helminths
- inhibits microbial activities of macrophages - limits tissue damage and turns on Th1 response
- increases macrophage expression of mannose receptors (complement)
Activates eosinophils - they bind to the IgE coated helminths and release their granules and kill the parasites
IL-4, IL10, IL-13
- inhibitions the microbial activities of macrophages - ending the TH1 response and limiting tissue damage
IL-4, Il-13
increases macrophage expression of mannose receptors (complement
- microbial macrophage inhibition
- mannose receptors on macrophage
- make fibroblasts increase production of collage and leads to fibrosis
CD8 CTL’s general role
- they destroy cells that are infected with microbes that exist only in the cytoplasm
- recognize MHC-1and CD8 co-receptor
- kill the reservoire of microbes hiding in the cell that can’t be attacked by macrophages
- do not require co-stimulators to activate it at this point. already differentiated so can kill any cell in any tissue
Two main proteins in CTL granules that kill infected cells
- perforin - polymerizes and forms a pore in the membrane of the infected cell. - makes a place for granzymes to enter the cell
- granzymes - cleave pro-caspase into a caspase and initiate the apoptosis cascade
- granzyme and perforin can also both enter via receptor mediated endocytosis
- perforin can then put a pore in the endosome and release granzymes into the cytoplasm
Minor CTL Killing pathway
- CTL’s have Fas-L which can bind to Fas receptors on infected cells -> caspase cascade -> apoptosis
CTLs produce which cytokine
INF-gamma - activates macrophages also to kill phagocytoized stuff (they clean up after apoptosed cells)
Evolution of microbes to avoid cell mediate immunity
- prevent fusion of phagosome and lysosome
- prevent the presentation of peptide on MHC-1
- escape vesicles into the cytoplasm
- release cytokine receptors to sop up all the inflammation and t-cell stimulating cytokines