CH 6 Flashcards
maxillary bones
form the upper jaw
chewing muscles
maxillary nerve
branch of the fifth cranial nerve that supplies the upper part of the face
medial pterygoid
muscles used to open and close mouth and bring jaw forward
median nerve
smaller nerve that supplies the arm and hand
also referred to as pregnancy mask skin condition that is triggered by hormone that causes darker pigmentation in areas such as upper lip and around the eyes and cheeks
mental nerve
nerve that affects the skin of the lower lip and chin
muscle that elevates the lower lip and raises and wrinkles the skin of the chin
Chemical process taking place in living organ at whereby the cells are nourished and carry out their activities also the process of changing food into forms the body can use as energy
also known as palm consists of five long slender bones called metacarpal bones
middle temporal artery
artery that supplies blood to the temples
cells dividing into two new cells called daughter cells. Reproduction of human tissues
mitral valve
also known as bicuspid valve the valve in which from the left atrium the blood flows through into the left ventricle
motor nerves
Carry impulses from the brain to the muscles or glands they produce movement
muscle tissue
tissue that contracts and moves various parts of the body
muscular system
body system that covers shapes and supports the skeleton tissue contracts and moves various parts of the body
Study of nature structure function or any diseases of the muscles
nasal bones
bones that form the bridge of the nose
nasal nerve
nerve that affects the point in lower sides of the nose
nasalis muscle
two-part muscle which covers the nose
nerve tissue
tissue that controls and coordinates all body functions
impulses are transmitted through
nervous system
body system composed of the brain spinal cord and nerves controls and coordinates all other systems and make some work efficiently
The scientific study of the structure function and pathology of nervous system
neuron or nerve cell
The basic unit of the nervous system consisting of the cell body nucleus dendrites and axons
nonstriated muscles
also known as involuntary or smooth muscles function automatically without conscious will
fluid within the nucleus of the cell that contains proteins and DNA determines our genetic makeup
Control center of cell
occipital artery
artery that supplies blood to the skin and muscles of the scalp and back of the head up to the crown
occipital bone
hindmost bone of school forms the back of the skull and above the nape
back of epiceanius, muscle that draws scalp backwards.
ophthalmic nerve
supplies skin of forehead, upper eyelids, and interior portion of scalp, orbit, eyeball and nasal passage
orbicularis oculi
ring muscle of the eye socket, closes the eyelid
flat band around the upper and lower lips that compresses, contracts, puckers, and wrinkles the lips
small structures or miniature organs within a cell that have their own function
structures composed of specialized tissues and performing specific function in plants and animals
part of the muscle that does not move it is attached to the skeleton and is usually part of a skeletal muscle
means bone and is used as a prefix in many medical terms such as osteoarthritis a joint disease
study of anatomy structure and function of the bones
function in sexual reproduction as well as determining make and female sexual characteristics
palatine bones
two bones that form the hard palate of the mouth
secretes enzyme-producing cells that are responsible for digesting carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
parasympathetic division
part of the autonomic nervous system. operates under normal no stressful situations such as resting
parathyroid glands
regulate blood calcium and phosphorus levels so that the nervous and muscular systems can function properly
parietal artery
artery that supplies blood to the side and crown of head
parietal bones
bones that form the sides and top of cranium
pectoralis major and minor
muscles of the cheat that assist the swinging movements of arm