Ch. 6 Flashcards
Intellectual property
a term used to describe works of the mind—such as art, books, films, formulas, inventions, music, and processes—that are distinct and owned or created by a single person or group.
is the exclusive right to distribute, display, perform, or reproduce an original work in copies
The Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property (PRO-IP) Act of 2008
increased trademark and copyright enforcement; it also substantially increased penalties for infringement.
World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, Switzerland
enforce compliance with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) agreement
grant of property right issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to an inventor that permits its owner to exclude the public from making, using, or selling a protected invention, and it allows for legal action against violators. A patent prevents copying as well as independent creation (which is allowable under copyright law).
Unlike copyright infringement, for which monetary penalties are limited to certain specified dollar amounts, if the court determines that a _________ has been intentionally infringed, it can award up to triple the amount of the damages claimed by the patent holder.
Trade secret law has three key advantages over the use of patents and copyrights in protecting companies from losing control of their intellectual property:
There are no time limitations on the protection of trade secrets, unlike patents and copyrights;
there is no need to file any application or otherwise disclose a trade secret to outsiders to gain protection; and
there is no risk that a trade secret might be found invalid in court.
noncompete agreement
prohibits an employee from working for any competitors for a period of time, often one to two years.
a logo, package design, phrase, sound, or word that enables a consumer to differentiate one company’s products from another’s.
Patent law protects inventions, and copyright law protects authored works.
The waterfall system development model
sequential, multistage system development process in which development of the next stage of the system cannot begin until the results of the current stage are approved or modified as necessary.
agile development methodology
a system is developed in iterations (often called sprints), lasting from one to four weeks. Agile development, which accepts the fact that system requirements are evolving and cannot be fully understood or defined at the start of the project, concentrates on maximizing the team’s ability to deliver quickly and respond to emerging requirements.
software development methodology
A standard, proven work process that enables systems analysts, programmers, project managers, and others to make controlled and orderly progress in developing high-quality software
static testing
A software-testing technique in which the software is tested without actually executing the code
s a collection of best practices that help organizations assess and improve their software development practices
professional employer organization (PEO)
hires the employees of its clients and then assumes responsibility for all human resource functions. If this arrangement is terminated, the workers continue to be employed by the client company.