Ch. 6 Flashcards
Aggressive Driving
Occurs when an individual commits a combination of moving traffic offenses so as to endanger other persons or property.
Aggressive Patrol
Designed to handle problems and situations requiring coordinated efforts; also called specialized patrol or directed patrol.
Differential Response Strategies
Suiting the response to the call.
Diffusion of Benefits
Crackdowns can reduce crime and disorder outside the target area or reduce offenses not targeted in the crackdowns.
Directed (Aggressive) Patrol
Using crime statistics to plan shifts, beat staffing, and provide more coverage during peak criminal activity and in high-crime areas requires coordinated efforts.
Dual Motive Stop
When an officer has an ulterior motive for the stop. Also called a pretext stop.
Environmental Anomalies
Unusual activities that warrant further investigation.
Extra Patrol
A response where police pass through an area more often during a shift in an effort to deter/detect criminal activity. Often the result of predictive analysis.
Foot Patrol
Officers walking a beat and responding to incidents on foot.
Hot Spots
Specific locations with high crime rates.
Implied Consent Laws
Laws that state that any person driving a motor vehicle is deemed to have consented to a BAC test.
Incident-Driven Policing
Calls for service drive the department. A reactive approach with emphasis on rapidity of response.
Racial Profiling
A police action that relies on race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than on behavior.
Random Patrol
Patrol having no set pattern.
Residual Deterrence Effect
Positive effects of a crackdown that continue after the crackdown ends.