Ch 5.4 What are the characteristics of irrigation farming in Southern California? Flashcards
What are the physical characteristics of Southern California ( Climate and rainfall )?
- Climate of Southern California is diverse.
- Low and unreliable rainfall. Uneven distribution of rainfall. Rainfalls are in Winter mostly in Mediterranean climate.
- Diverse relief.
- Lack of river and lake.
- Alkaline and infertile soil.
- Various types of vegetation.
Explain on diverse climate of Southern California as one of the physical characteristics.
It ranges from Mediterranean climate along the West Coast to a semi-arid to arid climate in the inland regions.
Explain on low and unreliable rainfall, uneven distribution of rainfall, most rainfalls are in Winter under Mediterranean climate as one of the physical characteristics.
Annual Rainfall: below 500 mm
Rainfall generally decreases from the coast to inland areas.
Dry offshore wind in summer, wet onshore wind in winter.
Elaborate on diverse relief as one of the physical characteristics.
- Highland: Most of the land includes Coast Ranges along the coast.
- Lowlands: the Central Valley, the Imperial Valley, the Coastal Lowland.
- Deserts: the central and the SE parts.
Elaborate on lack of river and lake as one of the physical characteristics.
The biggest river draining the region is the Colorado River, which drains the Imperial Valley in the South.
Elaborate on alkaline and infertile soil as one of the physical chracteristics.
- Desert soils contain little organic matter and are alkaline and infertile.
- Loose soils are subject to wind erosion.
- Fertile alluvium can only be found in the Central Valley.
Elaborate on various types of vegetation as one of the physical characteristics.
Northern part: Woodland and scrubs.
Southern part: Grassland and desert plants.
What is the physical constraints of diverse relief?
Inadequate good quality farmland
-> Hinder agriculture.
-> With an increase in population and rapid urbanisation in recent years, many good quality farmland is encroached by urban development and other land uses.
What are the physical constraints leading from the climate?
- Water shortages.
- Climatic hazards like occasional frost, wildfires and droughts, e.g. the one that lasted for five years from 2011 to 2016.
What is the physical constraints of lack of river and lake?
Water shortage.
What are the physical constraints of alkaline and infertile soil?
Infertile soil
-> High temperatures with low rainfall is difficult for rock decomposition.
-> High evaporation rates bring salts to the surface like salinization.
How does climate affect soil and vegetation in the region?
High evaporation rate and low rainfall.
-> Salts beneath the soil and brought the the surface.
-> Low rainfall hinders soil formation.
-> Hinder breakdown process of rock.
-> Soil erosion.
-> Most soils are alkaline and infertile.
-> Hinders plant growth.
-> Can only support grassland and shrubs.
-> Little organic matter in soil
What are the other constraints brought by physical characteristics?
- Exotic pests and diseases affect crop yield -> farmers have to apply heavy dose of pesticides.
- Inadequate farm labour -> many farmers hire contract labour from Mexico to do the farm work.
What are the measures to overcome the farming constraints in Southern California?
- Use of large-scale irrigation schemes.
- Use of chemicals.
- Use of biotechnology.
- Mechanisation and Precision farming.
Explain what are the large-scale irrigation schemes.
- The state and federal government have funded various water schemes to provide farmers irrigation water.
- Large damns are built to store water from large rivers.
- Water is transported to farms by canals and aqueducts.
What are the different types of irrigation methods?
- Drip irrigation.
- Gravity Flow system.
- Sprinkler Irrigation.
What is drip irrigation?
- Small tubes with pinholes are put above or below the ground surface. Water drips out from these holes to the root zone of a crop.
- Precise amount of chemical fertilizers and pesticides can be applied to the irrigation water through the system.
What is gravity flow system?
Irrigation water is drain into the furrows, and the water flows downslope due to gravity.
What is sprinkler irrigation?
Water is spread evenly on the ground surface by jetting water into the air.
What are the consequences of reliable supply of water to farmland?
- Extend the growing season.
- More choices of crops.
- More crops can be grown in a field.
- Farm yield increases and farmers’ income and profits increases
What are the consequences of reliable supply of water to formerly dry areas?
Extend farming areas.
Farm yield increases and famers’ income and profits increases.
What are the pros of gravity flow system?
- Requires minimal equipment and energy, making it cost-effective.
- Easy to setup and maintain, relies on natural gravitational forces.
- Can provide even water distribution over large areas.
What are the cons of a gravity flow system?
- High evaporation rate and run-off rates can lead to inefficient water use.
- Can cause erosion in sloped fields if not managed properly.
- Difficult to control water application rates and timing (may lead to waterlogging).
What are the pros of sprinkler irrigation?
- Suitable for various crops and field shapes, can be used on uneven terrain.
- Can apply to more uniformly than gravity flow system, reducing water waste (comparing to gravity flow irrigation)
- Less risk of erosion. (can compare to gravity flow system.)
What are the cons of sprinkler irrigation?
- Requires investment in pumps, pipes and sprinkler heads.
- Equipment can require regular maintenance and repairs.
- Susceptible to water loss through water evaporation, especially in hot climates.
What are the pros of drip irrigation?
- Delivers water directly to the root zone, minimizing waste.
- Limits water evaporation application to specific areas.
- Allows for easy integration of fertilizers through the system.
What are the cons of drip irrigation?
- Installation can be expensive due to specialized equipment.
- Requiring regular maintenance and monitoring.
- Less effective for crops with extensive root systems for large areas with proper design.
What are the types of chemicals?
Chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides.
How can chemical fertilizers tackle the soil and pest problems?
- Provide nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to the plants.
- This increases yields and improve crop quality.
How can pesticides tackle the soil and pest problems?
- Kill and control pests.
- This improves crop quality and produce higher yields.
How can herbicides tackle the soil and pest problems?
Kill weeds which use up soil nutrients.
What is the example of biotechnology?
Genetic Engineering
What are the characteristics of GM crops?
- Resistant to certain insects or pests.
- Resistant to some diseases and viruses.
- Tolerant to different environmental constraints.
- More tolerant to herbicides.
What are the benefits of GM crops?
- Reduce the use of chemicals.
- Prevent crop failure.
- Ensure crop quality.
- Increase crop yields and cut cost.
- Improve flavour and nutrient content of food crop.
- Eliminate toxic substances and allergenes in crops.
What is mechanisation?
Machines can be used to replace farm labour. They can increase the speed of farm work and improve productivity. In the long run, production costs can be lowered.
What is precision farming?
It is a way of farming using different information technologies, such as Geographical Information System, Global positioning system devices, Remote sensing, telecommunications, mobile computing, advanced information processing.
How can precision farming benefit farming?
- The conditions of field and the crops are measured and recorded in real time.
- Farmers then analyse the data and decide the most suitable planning for farm work and crop production.
- Farmers can also apply inputs more precisely and efficiently.
- Waste can be reduced.
How does the socio-economic environment lead to the success of farming in Southern California?
- Capital.
- Education.
- Research and Development.
- Government Policies.
- Transport.
- Political and social conditions
Explain on capital as one of the factors of the socio-economic environment leading to success of farming in Southern California.
Farmers in Southern California generally have a higher income which is enough capital to adopt different cultural inputs.
Explain on education as one of the factors of the socio-economic environment leading to success of farming in Southern California.
Farmers in Southern California are well educated. Thus, they can have adequate knowledge and skills to apply cultural inputs.
Explain on Research and Development as one of the factors of the socio-economic environment leading to success of farming in Southern California.
The amount of R&D funds in agriculture is large -> use modern farming technologies to improve farming efficiency and productivity.
Explain on Government policies as one of the factors of the socio-economic environment leading to success of farming in Southern California.
The US federal and Californian state governments have adopted policies to support agricultural development. They provide loans and subsidies to support farmers.
Explain on transport as one of the factors of the socio-economic environment leading to success of farming in Southern California.
Farmers can access to more markets for their farm produce and more sources of inputs.
Explain on political and social conditions as one of the factors of the socio-economic environment leading to success of farming in Southern California.
With stable political and social conditions, farmers become more willing to invest in their farms.
What are the physical inputs of the farming system in Southern California?
- Climate.
-> Air temperature: 8-33 degree celsius - Alkaline and infertile soil
- Water supply from the Colorado River.
- Seeds of one or two types of crops.
What are the cultural inputs of the farming system in Southern California?
- Irrigation water: from various water schemes.
- Chemicals: pesticides, chemical fertilizers and herbicides.
- Advanced technology and machines.
- Contract labour from Mexico.
- Research and development.
- Government policies.
- Rail or road transport.
What are the processes of the farming system in Southern California?
Most farming processes are assisted by machines and advanced technologies. The processes include ploughing, sowing, seeding, planting, irrigation, pest control, fertilizing, harvesting.
What are the outputs of the farming system in Southern California?
Useful: Cash crops, e.g. fruit and nuts.
Useless: Waste and excess chemicals.
What is the farming system called in California?
Irrigation farming as it heavily relies on irrigation.
What are the major characteristics of the farming system?
- Arable.
- Sedentary.
- High-tech.
- Commercial.
- Capital-intensive.