Ch. 53, 55-64 All Flashcards
AFP Alpha-Fetoprotein
Fetal protein made by YS then fetal liver; sample in wks 15-18; Elevated- neural tube defects, abd wall defects, etc; Low- Trisomies; US-amniocentesis when MSAFP elev and US offers no explanation
CVS Chorionic Villus Sampling
US guided biopsy of placenta or chorionic villi; detects chromosomal anomalies, biochemical or metabolic disorders, thalassemia, and sickle cell; Performed early (GA 10-12wks); US- full survey first and determine locations
US guided sampling of amniotic fluid for genetic testing; GA- 15-20 wks (earlier has risks); US- full survey first; collect away from fetus, central placenta, umbilical cord, and near maternal midline to avoid UT vessels
Abnormal number of chromosomes; High prevalence in patients referred for amniocentesis b/c of advanced maternal age, abnormal AFP, abnormal quad screen, or US detection of multiple fetal anomalies.
Enlarged placenta >600 g; Assoc w/maternal and fetal disorders, maternal diabetes, and Rh incompat; US- placenta thickened >4cm from subplac veins to amniotic fluid junction
Obtains fetal blood through US guided needle aspiration of umbilical cord to test chromosomes; FISH has decr need; US- more for guided transfusions in Rh isoimmunization
Nuchal Transluceny NT, “Translucency Three, Fold Five”
Abnormal fluid collection at neck; Strongly assoc w/aneuploidy; US- measure btwn 10-14 weeks; clear margins in sag plane away from amnion; >3mm abnormal
amniotic fluid volume >2000 ml (AFI >20cm); caused by maternal diabetes (most common), fetal Macrosomia, and Rh isoimmunization; USA- Freely floating fetus w/in the swollen amniotic cavity, accentuated fetal anatomy, AFI = or >20cm (mild).
Overall reduction in AFI; fetal crowding and decreased fetal movement; USA- AFI less than 5cm; poor scanning resolution
Chorioid Plexus Cysts
Common; CSF trapped w/in the neuroepithelial folds; usually isolated; often resolve by 22-26 weeks GA; may be associated w/aneuploidy; USA- Round/ovoid anechoic w/in the CP; sizes from 0.3 – 2 cm; uni- or bilateral; solitary or multiple; unilocular or multlocular
Dilatation of the ventricles w/in the brain; occurs w/obstruction of CSF flow; USA- lateral ventricular >10 mm; “dangling choroid sign;” possible dilatated 3rd and 4th ventricles
Thickened Nuchal Fold, “Translucency Three, Fold Five”
Measured in 2nd trimester in plane w/CSP, Cere, and CM; risk for aneuploidy; normal is less than 5mm up to 20 wks
Diabetes Mellitus/ Macrosomia
Diabetes increases risks of complications, including macrosomia; USA- correct dating important for size, polydydramnios, caudal regression syndrome
Cardiac Anomalies
Associated w/various anomalies, including trisomy 21 (Down’s) and polyhydramnios
oMphalocele M=membrane
Persistent bowel and/or liver within umbilical cord beyond 12th week; worse than gastroschisis, especially if contains liver; abdominal echogenic wall mass w/surrounding membraine; ascites
GastRoschisis R=Right
Abdominal wall defect (almost always to right of umb cord) w/herniated bowel passing through; elev. MSAFP; USA- free floating bowel seen outside abdominal cavity w/o a covering membrane
Spina Bifida
Cleft or opening in spine; USA- flattened frontal bones, obliterated CM, “banana” cerebellum; SB Occulta-opening covered w/skin or hair, normal MSAFP, difficult to detect w/US; Meningocele- open defect w/only protrusion of meninges, USA- splaying posterior ossification centers w/V or U shape, cleft in skin, saclike anechoic protrusion; Meningomyelocele- common defect w/meninges and neural elements protruding, USA-splaying w/V or U shape, cleft in skin, saclike protrusion that contain neural elements
Talipes (clubfoot) “Tap the ball with your club”
Deformities of foot/ankle. USA- may appear as persistent abnormal inversion of the foot perpendicular to the lower leg.
Rocker Bottom Feet
Prominent heel and a convex sole; associated w/multiple syndromes, especially trisomy 18. USA- can look similar to clubfoot.
Amniotic Band Syndrome “Bands are bad”
“Amniotic bands” (fibrous tissue stands) compress fetus; causes fetal malformations involving the limbs, craniofacial region, and trunk; USA- malformation of the fetus, echogenic bands present w/in the amniotic cavity- follow closely to see where band is attached
UT scars from previous instrumentations used in the UT (usually curettage), c-sect, or episodes of endometritis; leads to amniotic sheets. USA- echogenic nonfloating bands that cross throught the amniotic cavity
Amniotic Sheets
echogenic nonfloating bands cross through the amniotic cavity; thicker than amniotic band syndrome; don’t cause fetal malformations; USA- fine echodense line in the UT cavity; surround fetus or be freely mobile; maternal blood flow w/in
Extra digits. USA- extra fingers or toes.
Syndactyly “Syn/Stuck”
Fused digits. USA- difficult to distinguish on US.