CH. 5 Fair Housing Laws for Selling Real Estate Flashcards
1866 Civil Rights Act
Prohibited racial discrimination in the purchase, sale, lease, or conveyance of real property.
Jones V. Mayer
1968 court case that affirmed that the 1866 Civil Rights Act prohibited discrimination with no exceptions.
Is refusing to sell or rent legal?
Is changing the terms for a rental, sale, or service for a specific group of people legal?
What are HUD prohibited languages in advertising real estate?
Code Words, Catchwords, or Catch Phrases: “Exclusive”
Color: White or Black
Familial Status: Generally, refers to the presence of children. Marital Status is not a protected class; however, HUD prohibits advertising,” Married couples only.”
Handicap: “Property not suitable for a handicap person.”
National Origin: Use of words such as Italian, Mexican, and so on are prohibited.
Race: Caucasian or Asian for example.
Religion: Christian, Catholic, non- Christian, and so on.
Sex or Gender: Any gender preference words are prohibited. EXCEPTION: If someone wants to share a house or apartment with a roommate.
Use common sense, do not exclude people of any kind
Can you tell someone that a property is not available when in fact it is?
What is Blockbusting?
Encouraging people to sell their homes because of the entry or potential entry into the community of a particular group of people. Based on the fear of the possible loss of property value.
What is Steering?
Encouraging people to move to or stay away from a certain area.
” You wouldn’t be happy here.”
“ This is a good neighborhood.”
“White neighborhood”
Even if a buyer asks for a specific area such as one that speaks a certain language, this is still considered steering.
What is Redlining?
Discrimination in lending mortgage money based on location. This happens when a lending institution deems an area not eligble for a loan because of various reasons.
What are 1968 Federal Housing Laws designed to do?
Protect as many people as possible. These are “Protected Classes.”
When was the Civil Rights Act?
What does the Civil Rights Act protect against?
It protects against racial discrimination.
When was the Federal Fair Housing Act Passed?
What does the FFHA Protect?
Protects race, color, religion, and national origin.
When was the Housing and Community Development Act?
What did the HCDA protect against?
Protects against sex (gender bias).