Ch 5/12 Flashcards
Slant toward a particular belief
Revived message is paraphrased back to the sender to verify the correct message was decoded
Active listening
Nonverbal communication that includes unconscious body movements gestures and facial expressions that accompany verbal messages
Body language
Questions answered with a yes or no
Closed questions
The attitudes and behavior that are characteristic of a particular social group or organization
Behavior that protects the psyche from guilt, anxiety or shame
Defense mechanism
Rejection of or refusal to acknowledge
Needs that are arranged in a specific order or rank
Hierarchy of needs
Questions that encourage verbalization and response
Open-Ended questions
How you view things
Opinion or judgement that is formed before all the facts are known
Moving back to a former stage to escape conflict or fear
Use of specific and well defined professional communication skills to create a feeling of comfort for patients even when difficult or unpleasant information must be exchanged
Therapeutic communication
Services employed to answer the calls of an ambulatory care setting after hours
Answering services
A short range portable device used for voice or data communication over a network of base stations know as cell sites
Cellular telephone
The process of sending, receiving, storing, and forwarding messages in digital form over computer networks
Speaking clearly
Manners, politeness, proper behavior
Machine that sends documents from one location to another by way of telephone lines
Word, phrases, or terminology specific to a profession
Evaluating patient symptoms to determine emergent needs
A device that lets you make telephone calls, but also adds in features that you might find on a personal digital assistant or a small personal computer
Expendable words used while answering the telephone
Buffer words
Speech that varies in pitch and intensity
Verbal or nonverbal message that block communication