Ch 44: Consumer Protection and Product Safety Flashcards
U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA)
-Regulates meat,poultry and other food products and requires consistent labeling
-Can initiate legal proceedings against violators.
Food,Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA)
Provides basis for regulation for testing, manufacture, distribution, and sale of foods, drugs cigarettes, cosmetics and medicinal products.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Federal agency that administers the FDCA and The Family Smoking Prevention Control Act and may recall food.
FDCA Prohibitions
-Adulterated food.
-False and misleading labeling of food products.
Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (NLEA)
Federal statute requires food manufacturers to disclose nutritional information on food labels
DRUG Amendment to the FDCA
-Empowers FDA to license new drugs.
-Manufacturer must provide adequate warnings, directions for use.
-May revoke approval of previously licensed drugs.
-Prohibits adulterated misbranded drugs.
-50% of cigarette package must contain warning label.
United Nations Biosafety Protocol
-Genetically engineered foods Require warning labels such as “ may contain living organisms “.
-Notice on all genetically modified food.
Regulation of Cosmetics
FDA Requirements:
-Proper labeling
-Disclosure of ingredients
-Display of warnings if carcinogenic
Adulterated or misbranded Cosmetics are prohibited.
FDA may remove from commerce cosmetics that contain unsubstantiated claims.
Animal testing is permissible.
Products and Automobile Safety
> Consumer product safety act (CPSA)
Consumer product safety Commission (CPSC)
Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA)
Regulates potentially dangerous consumer products and created the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
An independent federal administrative agency empowered to adopt rules and regulations to enforce the CPSA.
Health Care Reform Act
-Prohibits policy cancellation on ill insureds.
-Tax penalties imposed on citizens that refuse to buy insurance coverage.
Unfair and Deceptive Practices
Federal Trade Commission Act Prohibits unfair and deceptive practices:
- False and deceptive advertising
- Bait and switch
False and Deceptive Advertising
If it :
- Contains misinformation or omits important information that is likely to mislead a reasonable consumer.
- Makes unsubstantiated claim
Bait and Switch
- seller advertisers low-cost merchandise to attract customers
-seller pressures buyers to upgrade
-Refuses to show advertised merchandise.
-Discourages employees from selling advertised merchandise.