Ch 4- International Business Ethics Flashcards
Ethics and Employment Practices
Issues: Child labour, safe work conditions, safety, and wages
Questions: what standards should be applied?
Human Rights
Issue: Freedom of association, speech,
assembly, movement, and freedom from political
Ethics and Environmental Pollution
Mining and logging in developing countries- abuses
Issue: Impact on the environment, health and
livelihood of residents, cultural impact
Question: Should a multinational corporation
follow local standards in a developing nation if
doing so does not break any laws in the host
nation? What standards apply?
Ethics and Corruption
Issues: Gift giving, Bribery, Grease payments
Question: Business practices vary significantly among
* Canada’s Bill S-21, The Corruption of Foreign Public
Officials Act attempts to address the issue of bribery
Social responsibility
refers to the idea that business people should take the social
benefits into account when taking business
decisions, and that there should be a belief in
decisions that have both good economic and good
social benefits.
What is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?
Is a business model that helps a company be socially accountable
—to itself, its stakeholders, and the public.
CSR Moral Obligations: 4 Stances
Obstuctionist, Defensive, accomodative, proactive
what is Obstructionist Stance:CSR Moral Obligations
- A company makes it difficult for customers or others raise
concerns regarding ethical situations
CSR Moral Obligations: Defensive Stance
- When companies take the position ‘it wasn’t their fault’ or
‘nothing can be done’
CSR Moral Obligations: Accommodative Stance
- When a company exceeds customers expectations
CSR Moral Obligations: Proactive Stance
- When companies reach out to stakeholders in advance to
let them know something has happened
The Root causes of Unethical Behavior: Factors- know 3
The Roots of Unethical Behavior:
1. Personal ethics
2. Decision making processes
3. Organizational culture
4. Unrealistic Performance Expectations
5. Leadership
6. Societal Culture
Organizational Culture
Organizational culture (the values and standards
that are shared among employees of an
organization) that does not stress business
What would be classified as a Straw Men Approaches To Business Ethics
an argument that will not stand up to scrutiny
– a false argument they offer inappropriate guidelines for ethical decision making
What is the Friedman Doctrine approach?
The sole responsibility of business is to maximize profits for
its owners and shareholders as long as it is operating within
the rules of the law
* There are no societal obligations- “if its legal its ethical thinking” stay within the law